Iron Girl-Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

"Sure I promised!" he yelled as he hit me in the chest. Right. On. My. Scar. "But promises are made to break!"

"No! Tony!" my back arched upward from the glass and the scar. I yelled in pain. Tony softened and started freaking out.

"What did I do?!?" he put his hands in his hair.

"You hit my scar dumb-ass!" I yelled, pushing him off me. I rolled over onto my stomach.

"Oops! I'm sorry!" he frowned.

"Oh shut up." I got up. "I'm going back to the armory. No drinking."

"Ok." he nodded. He kicked at the broken glass on the floor.

I walked down to my bedroom below the bar. I attempted to pull my shirt off but was stopped. The glass in my back was tightly wedged into my skin and muscles and the sticking to my back from the blood. Ugh, complications.

I started jumping up and down in the middle of the room. I'm so fricken mad! Why dosn't anything ever good happen to me?!

Everyone dies. Everyone backstabs me. Everyone fucks me up! What the hell is wrong with my life?!?

Don't answer that.

I pulled the door open and slamed the door open. It shoke the entire room. A few books fell off the wall, crashing onto the floor. I snarled at them and contunied on.

I walked up the stairs to Pepper's room. I heard her giggling and saying Happy.

I'll go look for Tony.

I ran back down the stairs to our bedrooms. I quickly knocked on the door. No answer as usual. I pushed the door to the empty room open. I looked around and found nothing strange....-er than usual.

I ran back up the stairs to the bar to look there. My God, all this stair climbing is counting as my workout for today.

I ran into the bar once again and found Tony laying on the floor. Drunk.

I groaned and walked over to him.

"What the hell!" I yelled down at him. "I told you no drinking!"

"Fuck you!" he yelled up. "Your not the boss of me!"

"Keep acting like this and you won't be the boss of me any more." I threw my arms up in the air.

"I don't really care!" he slurred.

He attempted to get up but fell back down onto his ass.

"Help me up slut." he tryed to grab my arm.

"Help yourself up!" I backed away from him. "I'm done with you!" I smacked his face as he sat there cussing me out.

I turned and ran from the bar. I'm so sick of this! I ran down to my room and pulled my shirt off.

I heard the glass chips fall to the ground, but I didn't feel them get ripped out. I felt my back for the cuts and I found them.

I could feel my hands on my back but the usual burning sensation from the cuts was absent. Weird.

I pulled a lacy bra on and pulled my pants off. I pulled the underwear off and pulled some matching lace ones on.

I ran to my closet and pulled out a black vest shirt. I slipped it on. After, I rumaged around for some skinny jeans. I found some tight black ones and pulled them on. I threw some heels on and ran out my door.

I ran back down to the armory to get the blood sample's. I looked at Tony's desk and found a old arc reactor. I picked it up and turned it over in my hand. I looked at the empty core. Why is this out?

I opened a drawer and threw it into it. Then I pulled my blood sample off of the desk and walked out the door.

I ran over to the garage and looked at the cars. I decided to piss Tony off and drive his baby, the Audi R8 Spyder. Awesome car.

I jumped in and searched for the keys. Tony always keeps them in the car. I found the keys in few minutes and started the car.

I reved it up before whipping the car around and speeding out of the tunnel.

I speed though the mountains towards the Malibu. I pulled out my phone and dialed 555-8402.

"Hello?" the man answered.

"You're pretty fucked up."


Yeah, my ipod, is cracked, dosnt lock, and the volume dosnt go up. I no wat i want for xmas!!!! C i sat on it a couple weeks ago. Cracked it. Then got it a teeny bit wet. Me=fucked. So sorry this chap is late. Im workn on it. Rember! Comment, save, vote!!!

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