"It seems both of you will accompany me, then," She smiled, clapping her hands together, "I'll leave you two to get dressed."


That night, Annalys was roaming the hallways alone after returning from her walk, only to suddenly stop when she found Torrhen roaming the halls as well, alone. "Torrhen?" She called out, causing the young boy to tiredly rub his eyes as he turned to face his mother, "What are you doing?"

"I can't sleep," He confessed in a soft tone as his mother moved closer to him, "I can't stop thinking about Father."

"Father's fine," Annalys argued, kneeling in front of her son after reaching him, "He'll return soon."

"No, he won't," Torrhen retorted, shaking his head in disagreement.

"How would you know?" Annalys questioned, raising a brow at the young boy.

"Because Daenerys has him," Torrhen answered the obvious, "Eddard says her father burned hundreds of men when he was king, two of them were Starks. Father's a Stark, won't Daenerys do the same to him?"

A sad look formed on Annalys' face at her son's words, but she tried her hardest to hide it behind a small smile. "Daenerys Targaryen won't hurt your father, I'll make sure of it." She assured her son, who gave her a curious look.

"How?" He asked, looking up at her.

Annalys smiled, lifting Torrhen off the ground before beginning to walk in the direction of his chambers. "I'm going to take something that Daenerys holds dear," She informed Torrhen in a calm tone, "I'll exchange them for Father."

"Who will you take?" Torrhen questioned his mother as they entered his son.

Annalys placed Torrhen under the covers of his bed, taking a seat on the bed after doing so. "I don't know yet," She confessed in a calm tone, "I have many options. Missandei of Naath. My Uncle Tyrion. Jorah Mormont."

"You should take her dragons," Torrhen suggested, not even realizing how smart the idea was as a large smile formed on his lips, "Or one of them, at least. You can ride it. If she doesn't have dragons, we won't have to worry about Father being dead. Qyburn says the Dragon Queen burns her enemies. How is she supposed to burn people without dragons?"

Annalys' eyes widened, staring at Torrhen closely. What was with her children lately? First Eddard, a ten year old, giving her military advice that actually worked somewhat and now, Torrhen.

They were practically prodigies when it came to plans, knowing things about war at such a young age. Just like their mother and father.

And she didn't even want to get started on Lyanna, who proved in her mother's absence that she'd be a wonderful queen once she inherited the throne.

"Time for bed," was all Annalys said, placing a kiss to her son's forehead before standing back up, "I'll see you in the morning."

Torrhen smiled up at his mother, nodding his head in response before turning on his side to go to sleep. Annalys took one last glance at her son, smiling softly before leaving the room.

  As Annalys exited the room, she was suddenly concerned by Podrick, who had a deeply worried look on his face. "Your Grace, I must tell you something. I'm afraid if I don't, Jeyne will die," He suddenly informed Annalys, whose eyes widened in shock at the revelation.



After hearing what Podrick had to say, Annalys wasted no time rushing to Jeyne's room. She waltzed in without invitation, causing the woman to jump in fright. As she did so, the glass of moontea she grasped in her hand fell to the ground and shattered upon impact.

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