"Where are you going?" Kaname immediately asked, gripping onto my wrist and holding me back.

"To my room, I'll see you later." I said, tugging my arm away and walking up the stairs, I felt his eyes follow me closely.

Reaching my room, I let out a deep sigh and pulled the latch, walking into the warm room.

Yawning, I shuffled across the room and look at my vanity, the wood smelling fresh of polish. My eyes moved to the queen-sized bed, Kaname had been adamant on me having a luxurious room, feeling that I, as a pureblood, must have these luxuries in order to live.

I felt differently, not really caring of my abilities as a pureblood and my power over other vampires. I didn't want to use my status in the vampire world to run it, wanting to be my own person.

Before I could think anymore, there was a sharp knock at my door. My head turned and I sensed that it was Akatsuki.

"Come in!" I called, watching as the door opened and the orange-haired man walked through and closed it softly.

"Hello, Lady Y/N." He said, showing me a small smile.

"What have I said, call me Y/N." I said, laughing and sitting on the grey sofa in the corner of my room.

"I would, but Kaname would kill me if he knew that I was being too casual with you. He doesn't like me being close to you." Akatsuki said, walking over to me and setting himself down next to me.

"Kaname is Kaname, he'll always be overprotective of me." I said, looking at the book next to me, I picked it up and looked at the cover.

"I've heard rumors." He said quietly, frowning.

"Enlighten me, Akatsuki." I said, reading the back of the book.

"I've heard that you and Kaname formed a blood bond when you were younger, before your memories had been wiped..."

I was silent.

"Is it true?" He asked, his eyes full of hope, hoping that it wasn't true.

"Is it any business of yours?" I said cooly, standing up and dropping the book in the seat.

"It's just a yes or no answer, surely you can answer that?" He said, looking up at me with a look in his eye.

"You don't need to know anything. I think it's best if you'd leave." I asked nicely, pointing to the door.

"Can't you just answer the question, I'm not asking for a lot here." He said, standing up and stepping closer to me.

"I think you are, I want you to get out of my room." I said, frowning up at him.

"It's true, isn't it." He said, his face dangerously close to my own.

"I didn't say that, get out." I said, raising my voice. I felt a strange, warm sensation in my hand, it grew as my anger increased.

"Calm down, it's only a-" Akatsuki smirked at me, putting a hand on my cheek.

I felt my breath quicken as I stared into his face.

"Akatsuki. Get. Out." I hissed, my eyes giving him a cold, hard stare.

"And what will you do if I don't?" He asked, stepping back and crossing his arms, looking down at me.

I felt the sensation in my hand grow, a small crackle snapped in the air.


Suddenly, Akatsuki's body was on the floor writhing in pain, his yells of pain echoing around the room. My hands were surrounded by balls of electricity, it wasn't causing me pain. My eyes lit up with the same electricity, brightening up the room.

"Don't test me, Akatsuki! I can kill you without even trying, so don't piss me off, okay?"I snarled, feeling my fangs elongate.

Akatsuki's body was trembling from the pain and he knelt on the floor, trying to stop the pain. He didn't answer.

"Do you understand me!?" I shouted, the electricity current becoming stronger.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist tightly and dragged me to the other side of the room, restraining me. The electricity burnt out, Akatsuki was left on the floor, panting from the pain.

"It's alright now, you're okay." Kaname whispered softly in my ear. I was shaking, not realizing the limit of my power. I couldn't control it. Kaname left one arm wrapped around my face and lifted one up to stroke my hair, pulling his hands through it to calm me down. He shushed me and waited until i stopped shaking, leaving Akatsuki on the floor.

"I... I don't know what happened!" I whimpered, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. I turned around in Kaname's arms and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest.

"It's alright, you haven't realised the strength of your powers." He said, rubbing my back gently.

He looked over at Akatsuki who was standing up now, looking at us with a jealous look.

"Leave. I'll deal with you later." He snarled at Akatsuki who left the room abruptly. Kaname returned his attention to me.

"How about we go to the library, see what books you can read later." He said softly, taking my hand and smiling at me. I nodded and grasped onto his hand, following him out of the room.

How could I not control my own power?

Mine | Kaname Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang