Chapter 27: Cinder Falls

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Y/n: "Weiss freeze, Raven elevator!" the two nodded and Weiss began to use her semblance and all the ice dust in her weapon to form ice around Cinder but the heat was too much and she only managed to form a sphere around Cinder, not small or thick enough to capture Cinder but enough for what Y/n has planned. Meanwhile Raven activated the elevator to the secret relic room. "Nora!" Y/n shouted before giving his teammate the opening she needed by hitting Hazel.

Nora: "Aye Aye Captain!" Nora swung her hammer with all she had and hit the sphere into the elevator that slowly decended .

Y/n: "Raven!" Y/n turned into a hawk and flew into the elevator followed by Raven in her raven form. They quickly exited the elevator and found a place to hide from the incoming explosion. And what an explosion it was. The entire cave was covered in flames and if it werent for Raven pulling Y/n through a portal the two of them would have been roasted chicken. Once they were sure the heat was gone they went back and found an exhausted yet happy Cinder. Y/n looked at Cinder and sighed. "Was this really worth it?" he asked making Cinder freeze and try to get up but she was too exhausted. "Why did you do all of this?" Y/n walked closer and kneeled down next to Cinder making sure to be far enough away from her in case she decided to attack.

Cinder: "My mistress will get what she wants if not from my hands than from someone elses." Cinder said defiant. Y/n could only sigh.

Y/n: "What made you choose to abandon humanity? Was it greed? Maybe suffering?" Cinder flinched at this. "Who made you suffer? Was it your parents? Friends? Maybe random people? No that wouldnt give you such a strong hate towards huntsmen. " Y/n thought out loud stopping as it clicked in his mind. "Huntsmen made you suffer." He realized and Cinders clenched fist were all the answer he needed.

Cinder: "Dont talk like you know what I have been through you brat." She threatened.

Y/n: "You are right. I dont know what you have been through and neither do you know what I have been through or anyone else you hurt through your actions or helped to hurt by helping Salem." Y/n said in a monotone voice.

Cinder: "I dont have to listen to a brat who thinks he is oh so smart." She tried to get up but Y/n signaled Raven to hold her down.

Y/n: "Thats where you are wrong. You will listen and then you did I will be the one deciding your fate. Noone is coming for you. The elevator got destroyed in your little tantrum, by now your allies are defeated or ran away leaving you behind. You lost again and for the last time." Y/n said making Cinder stop struggeling. "Do you know how many people died at the Breach?" Cinder stayed silent. "376 People died, 159 Men, 47 of them were Faunus, 178 Women, 62 of them Faunus, and 39 children, 16 Faunus. More than a thousand people lost their homes and everything in them. But that is only a droplet compared to the ocean that was the Fall. Over 13000 people dead, 3871 children between the age of 1 month and 17 years, dead. Half of Vale destroyed in the flames or by Grimm. Billions of Lien worth of property destroyed. All that to fail in the end. We knew your goal before your even started running. We transfered the maidens powers the day we figured you out. So all those life were lost for nothing." Y/n voice became angry. "You know, I might sound like a egomaniac saying that it wouldnt have hit me so hard if it didnt hit my friends." Suddenly and without any warning Y/n stabbed one of his blades through Cinders arm making her cry in pain. "Hurts like a bitch right? Now imagine loosing the arm." He stabbed her again and twisted the blade left and right. "Thats how Yang felt." the next stab went to the right of her stomach her screaming echoed through the cave. "Thats how Blake felt." A few punches onto the wound and to the face followed. "How my team felt." He said even angrier. Y/n stopped and looked at the whimpering form of the once prideful Cinder.

Cinder: "M-mercy. "she begged weakly. Y/n looked at her with emotionless eyes and took out a fire dust crystal making Cinders eyes go wide.

Y/n: "And this is how I felt." Y/n said before setting Cinder on fire. Her screams in agony echoed through the cave until Y/n had enough and shot her through the head. Her dead body flopped to the ground still burning away as a orange light left her body and traveled towards the elevator chute and probably towards Phyrra. "May you never find peace." was the last thing Y/n said before kicking Cinders charred body off of the stone bridge and into the dark below. Raven who watched the whole thing with a shocked expression looked at her leader to find him silently cry. A voice suddenly echoed down the elevator chute. It was Oscar.

The Weak RWBY X Malereaderحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن