I walked back to Umar's room to see him on a phone call

When he saw me he kept quiet for some time "I'll call you"


He then brushed past me and he left the room

I frowned but I ignored it and I went to pray zuhr

Some time after Zuhr I was surprised to see Rumaisa and Ya Abdul

They came to see me, they spent about an hour before they left

It was about 5pm and I was in the middle of answering a Birthday message from my cousin Fauziya when Hauwa walked into my room

She suddenly collected my phone from my hand

I frowned at her

She rolled her eyes at me before she threw it at Halima who was standing behind her and she caught it easily

What is happening?

Hauwa dragged me up "let's go"

"Uh..where?" I asked

"C'mon" she dragged me out of the room and we went to her room

Upon entering I saw Fa'iza setting up her makeup things on the vanity table

I already knew Fa'iza was a killer makeup artist, but what I didn't understand was who was putting make up on?

Hauwa turned to me "first of all, go and perform ablution"

I looked at her weirdly before I entered her toilet and I performed ablution

I came out and I peeped through Hauwa's phone to see the time "what the hell? It's not Maghreb yet"

"I know" she said

"Then why did you make me perform ablution" I asked

She smiled cheekily "It's because Fa'iza is doing your make up"

"Why is she doing my makeup?"
I asked

"Because it's your birthday" Fa'iza said as she helped me sit on the chair

"And?" I asked

"And we are going out" Halima said as she looked up from her phone

"We?" I asked as I scrunched my face when Fa'iza rubbed something on it

"Yeah, me, you, Halima and Fa'iza" Hauwa answered

"And I have to put make up on?" I asked

Hauwa face palmed her self "you ask too many questions"

I pouted as Hauwa and Halima left the room

After some time Fa'iza was done and..wow

I did look good, it wasn't heavy but it was Bold

What ever she did to my eyes made them pop out

And my lips were a dark shade of the red

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