She greeted everyone before she sat down on an Available seat close to one of the boys, this one was wearing a red shirt

She grumpily told him to pass her the bowl of salad and he glared at her a little before he passed it

This Family has an issue with glaring

"So Hameeda" Nona called my attention with a grin

I looked at her and I dropped the glass of water I was drinking

Why is she looking at me like that..?

"When am I getting a great grandchild?" She asked

I chocked on the water that was going down my throat

I started coughing and Aunty Yusra rushed to my side and she kept patting my back

"Nona! You're going to scare her away" Maman Fa'iza said trying to hide a smile

"What? I was just asking" Nona said to her defense

Aliya passed me a glass of water and I chucked it down

When I calmed down I thanked Aunty Yusra and she went back to her seat

I looked up to see Hauwa, it looked like she was going to die of laughter

She was silently shaking of laughter and so was Fa'iza  and Halima

Hauwa looked at me trying to contain her laughter and she mouthed 'welcome to the family'

Oh My God

I honestly wished the ground could swallow me up and this moment

My face was heated up that I could feel it

I didn't even want to look at Umar right now to see his reaction

It seemed like everyone found this funny except for me

I stylishly peeped to look at Umar to see him eating his food as if he hadn't heard what his grandmother had said

Oh well, he doesn't change expressions so that wasn't surprising

Well...that was embarrassing

Everyone continued their normal conversation while a slowly ate my food trying not to look into anyone's eyes

Dinner was over and I sat down waiting for Hauwa to finish so we could go out together

She noticed me waiting for her so she smirked and she stood up

She dragged my hand and we walked up to her room

We entered her room and immediately we did she burst out laughing

"Oh my God, i even composed my laughter because daddy was there, if not I should have kept rolling on the floor" she said as she continued laughing

I pouted and I pushed past her and I laid on her bed

"Did you see your face? Your eyes widened before you suddenly started coughing, it was so funny"

"Is it funny I'm not finding it funny" I asked

She rolled her eyes "you're such a kill joy"

"Who were those other two guys?" I asked trying to change the topic

"Oh, the one sitting next to me wearing the red shirt is Fahad, he's 16 and he's Maman Fa'iza's son, and the one with the kaftan is Isma'il, he's 18 and he is also our cousin, his parents are abroad but he schools and lives here" she said


"And also, if you thought you could divert my attention from you then it didn't work" she said with a cheeky grin

I playfully glared at her

"Inyeh, harda glaring? Carefully learning from Ya Umar I see" she said laughing at me with her hands placed on her hips

I laughed with her as I threw the nearest pillow close time at her


Well...I actually enjoyed this chapter even though there isn't much of Umar and Hameeda

I hope you enjoyed it too

I love Nona I swear 😂

Here's a late Eid Mubarak

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did😘

Love,  M☪️

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