That's when I realized she was sitting next to me

I rolled my eyes at her but deep inside all I wanted to do was hide under a rock and never come out

I was sooooo nervous

Anyone who felt my heart rate at this moment abound think there was something wrong with me

Calm down
Calm down
Calm down

It seemed like about 30 minutes when Ya Abdul called through phone

I didn't even want to answer so I passed the phone to Rabi'ah

She answered the phone and immediately he started talking she stood up and she tackled me into a hug

"Congratulations!" She told me

And that was when I knew I've officially entered the other stage of my life

"You idiot! You're now Mrs Kashim, Umar Kashim is officially out of the market, Ashe akwai kuka yau" Salma announced (There will be tears)

Everyone in the room burst out laughing

I knew my shoulders were going to be numb by the end of the day because of the hugs I was getting

The mosque wasn't very far away from our house so I wasn't surprised to hear several horns at the gate

I walked towards the window

I noticed Ya Abdul's car first and several others followed behind, when the compound was full the gateman closed the door and he started indicating to people that they should park outside

Baba and Ya Abdul came out of his car and one of my uncles

Others started to go out of their cars too

Most of my cousins left the room to go help with serving the food

The yinnin biki officially started and more and more people were just coming into the house

Salma dragged me to Aunty's room and the make up artist re touched my make up

It wasn't like there was something wrong with it anyway

Aunty put a veil around me from behind and that's when Noticed she was in the room

She hugged me and I hugged her back we kept rocking left and right until Rabi'ah burst out laughing

"Aunty release her before she starts crying" she said

I rolled my eyes at her as I tried to keep my tears from falling

Aunty released me and she led me downstairs to take pictures with Baba and my uncles

I couldn't even remember his many people I took pictures with

After Baba, I took pictures with my uncles, then I took a picture alone with Ya Abdul and Rumaisa, then with Aunty and Baba, then with my aunties, then my male cousins, then my female cousins, then my friends, then finally I took a picture with Rabi'ah and Salma

I couldn't even see well because of the flashes, my cheeks were hurting from grinning too much

When I thought it was over and I could finally go back

The photographer insisted he must take me alone

He took me the pictures alone and I went back upstairs with Salma trailing behind me

I entered my room to see food and I honestly couldn't contain my joy

I immediately dug in

I haven't realized how hungry I was

I finished and I drank water, all I wanted to do was sleep and get out of this heavy gown

The daukan Amarya was at 5 o'clock

I haven't noticed how I missed Umar, don't get me wrong but, I actually missed him and frequent annoyed glared

I didn't want him to be glaring at me with anger, hurt and disappointment in his eyes

I rather watch him glare at me with annoyance

And, he's actually suppose to call me now

Well, he should have if you haven't made him angry

My mind told me

I sighed as I looked at Salma who was trying to clip her bracelet in place

She noticed me looking at her and she looked up

She frowned when she saw my face "why the sad face?"

"Cmo'n smile for me" she added

I immediately smiled when I remembered telling Umar that in the hospital

I'm so crazy

"Let's go dance, everyone is waiting for you" she said as she ran downstairs

I looked out the window to see all the cars from earlier cleared, all of them parked outside

And three big canopies were set up

Some men were arranging chairs around the tables in the canopy

And by the right side of the compound there were masu kidan kwarya seated on their mats ready to start beating

Are they trying to ruin our ears?

Which one are we doing to listen to?

Them or the dj?

I was still looking out the window when my two cousins Fauziya and Hannatu came to my room and they dragged me downstairs to dance


Masu Kisan Kwarya- The people hitting the calabash


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

I see the private messages some of you send me here on wattpad

I just want to say I'm so sorry, i am not ignoring the messages, i am having trouble with veryfing my email that is why i have not answered them

Love,  M❤️

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