Miss. Alene

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Hey readers! I know this chapter won't be as interesting because of my  crazy writers block! But I hope you enjoy! There will be a surprise later on in the future chapters that I'm excited to publish. 

- @theblackqueen

"Well, don't you look amazing. " His voice purred deeply, shaking my heart. 

I gave a fake smile ," wish I could say the same." 

I shut the door behind me as he laughed loudly, " you can be so mean, you know!" He coed. 

" As can you, " I smiled. I followed him down the stairs, " I don't like that you know where I live, Mister. Me, " I teased, " your a very dangerous man."

"As are you, " he mimicked, " but obviously you're not a man so...yeah, " we chuckled. The cool breeze danced around us when we came outside. His fancy car sat there in front of us, sparkling and waiting to be driven. We hopped in and I was filled with a new sudden thrill. He sped into the street and I clutched my purse. The warm early sun combined with the early fall winds felt amazing. This day started amazing. 

Hopefully everything else will be amazing. 

After a few moments of awkward silence I could sense his need to talk. I cleared my throat, " so...," I started, " where are we going?"

He smiled. I watched the wind tossle his thick hair as he said, " breakfast, of course!"

A few minutes later we drove up to McDonalds. I turned and looked at him, " Mister. Me...."

He gave a teasing smile, " Miss. Alene? Is there a problem?"

I sighed, "no. Let's hurry," I pulled at the door. It was lock, "Mister.Me. Are we or are we not going in?"

He chuckled, " of course not! We're going next door, " he pointed at the large white building fill the most heavenly smells. Tall large white horse statues stood in guard of the double entrance doors. 

"First off, why is that next to a McDonalds?  Second, why park here?"

He smiled , hurried out the car, and opened the door for me, " just so I can hear you complain," he smiled, " this place is just like IHOP, but ....better, I guess."

I smiled, "and so our day begins, " I mumbled. 


The food was amazing and along with the service. He offered a strange alcoholic drink , which I refused. I didn't like  nor want any  alcoholic drinks. And our conversation was good, despite his annoying childish behavior. He joked and teased as we ate. He seemed to be having more fun than I was. So much fun that he didn't notice the stares we were getting. 

When we left we went to the mall. I welcomed the warm air that flowed inside the large building. We walked in full and satisfied. Or at least I was. He continued to by little goodies and treats and offered me more than I could bare.  

"Are we not here to get an outfit?" I said as I nibbled on a caramel. 

He look up as if he forgotten, " oh yeah...the event," he grabbed my hand, "let's go."


The day was normal. Casual and fun. No funny business, no flirting, no uncomfortable touching. It's  what I wanted. Or what I thought I wanted.  I thought I didn't want the relationship Mister.Me offered.  It would be a burden on my work. He would be a distraction to my work. 

More Than it Seemsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن