Le'vonna/ Henry

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Coming back to work felt strange. I wasn't sure if it were a good kind of strange or a bad kind. All I knew was that I felt lighter in my steps down the hall. The usual cool facility air seemed somewhat warmer and fully and excitement. Today felt new with reasons and purpose. I felt... I felt giddy.
I continued to walk as my shoes echoed down the long clean halls. I hummed and even gave genuine smiles at the employees. I smiled and nodded back.
I looked around and suddenly felt the walls presence as i felt a new sensation slither against my skin. The lights grew darker as I realized more familiar pieces of art down the hall.

 Down the hall towards what was once Emily's room. 

I sighed as I continued passed her room and towards my new patient's. I pushed passed the doors and stood as I went through the mandatory body inspection. Once I was allowed in I was faced with blue familiar eyes that bore into mine.

I looked again to what I thought looked just like Emily but was in fact someone completely different. The girl was small, and frail like her. She laid still against the bed as she eyed me with dead eyes. Her brown hair and no smile of joy to see me reminded me that she was not Emily. She is not Emily.
The only thing that resembled her to Emily were her blue eyes.
I smiled as I regained my smooth posture "good morning. Would you like a mint?"
"I don't like that," I whispered to daddy, "can you stop?"
Daddy smiled softly, "darling, but I'm only showing you how much I love you. Do you not love daddy?"
My eyes glided down to were his hands were snug against my waist. His thumb rubbed against me as a smile crept onto his face. His chin prickly scrunch unfamiliar to daddy's. He's eyes twinkled with a strange desire to act on whatever's swirling his mind.
"Daddy?" I spoke as I searched around the darkness, "it's dark."
The darkness swirled around him and mocked my presence. It whistled and attacked my now freezing skin. I looked down at my tin gown and useless jacket.
My heart stopped as I glanced at his never ending smile, "darling. You must be freezing. We will hide here to rest."
His presence grew more foreign as he grew closer, choking my space. My throat tightened as I began to feel myself shiver. The sensation of danger clawed at me.

I looked back at him, "are you really my daddy?"
His smile fell and fear slowly crept at my skin. I squirmed away as his touch seemed to burn with pain onto mine.
What's my name, sweet lily?
My thoughts swirled as I remembered momma yelling daddy's name. The memory seemed so familiar yet so out of reach. I felt my forehead knot as I though harder.
What do you know, my sweet little Lily?
I thought harder as I felt Henry's hand press against my bum. My skin itched and burned at his touch as I stared at the dark ground.
Your name was never Henry......
I looked him in the eye as I spoke, "Henry."
His eyes flickered at the sound of his name, "yes?"
"You are not daddy."
His hand crept tighter around my waist and my stomach swirled causing me to be nauseous. "Of course I am darling."
I eyes lit with a new idea, "what does daddy always call me?"
"My nickname," I spoke as I felt the darkness presence sway into my view.
He thought and in that moment I knew it wasn't daddy. Daddy would have knew in an instant! Daddy would have known! This is not daddy! This isn't daddy! This isn't da-
In that split second, Henry pounced onto me, putting me in a painful hold. I gasped for air as his eyes began to look more and more less like daddy's.
He laughed. Hard. "I worked too hard to not get what I came for my sweet Emily."
Tears ran down my face as I spat, "stop! Stop! I- I don't like it!"
He ran his face against mine as he tore off my gown. His breath invaded my skin along with his revolting sweat. My legs flung desperately to kick him off as my tears blinded my eyes. His chin dug into my skin as the shadows joined against me. They swayed and pounced, taunting me more.
A sharp pain burned at my shoulder as I felt his mouth. He was biting me. He was biting me! His teeth grind and turned into my flesh. I felt hot blood slither down my back along with his disgusting saliva.
Kill him.
The Voice echoed into my thoughts causing us both to startle.
Kill him!
I eyed Henry as he slowly realized the change in my eyes.
Kill him! Voice bellowed. Kill, kill, kill!


I searched desperately for something to hit him with and saw the small gun twinkle in the dark. I shifted my weight, causing us to roll over. Henry snapped his head towards the gun as we both reached towards it.
Instantly when I felt the cool touch of the gun against my fingers, Henry caused a pain I never thought I could bear. A violent scream escaped throat. My arm coursed with a sickening pain and fell limp under his knee. I cried and cried for help. I cried for Ms. Alene and Ms.Angie. I cried for daddy.
He looked down at me with dark evil eyes, "my sweet darling Emily," he sighed as he grabbed the gun, "what a terrible mistake you've made."
The feeling I felt was more than heavenly. I practically floated down the hall as I entered my office. I smiled until the moment I sat down. I groaned as my wound pulsed with pain.
"Why am I here?" I sighed.
"I want to go back to work. " I remembered LeVonna say.
I sighed once again, looking at the pile of files, "my brothers didn't do sh*t."
I stood cautiously aware of my wound to get my coffee ready. As I shuffled towards the coffee maker, the phone rang through my silence.
Instinctively, I picked it up, "Jackson Agape's speaking."
"Mr.Me. Good morning."
My gut sank at the familiar voice, "Mr.Martinez?"
His sickening chuckle echoed through the phone. My stomach hurled at the thought of his stupid smirk ,"yes. I'm contacting you with an immediate safety concern."
"And what could that be?" I spat loudly.
"Do you recall a former patient of yours,Emily Angie?"
"Well ....she escaped."
"Excuse me??" I smiled.
"Emily Angie has successfully escaped my facility."
I laughed. I laughed and laughed and laughed until my wound couldn't allow me to do so anymore.
"What are you calling me for?"
" We'll, Mr.Me. My team and I have reason to believe Ms. Alene is in danger."

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