Miss. Alene

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Walking towards Emily is one of the most interesting things to witness. I smile the smile I know she loves as my heels clanked on the clean marble floor. Emily sat up slightly, her disfigured face crumbling to what I believe is a smile. Emily must have already been awake and known of my presence.

A peculiar screech came from Emily. I kept up my smile as I grabbed the needles. The sound stopped.

She was humming.

"Hello," I said. She looked at me, then next to my shoulder. She stared at the space next to me."Do you see me?"

She nod, and with her quiet voice she said " I see you."

I stared at her. She's doing it again, "oh okay. I thought you couldn't see me for a moment," I laughed at my own joke. This thing seeing things makes me sane. Makes her crazy. I shook away the thought. That was rude.

Emily croaked and belched a loud rhythmic burping. She was trying to laugh. She doesn't even know what is funny. That I was laughing at her. Or really , myself. Either way, her innocence made me feel guilty.

I glanced at her cracked lips and remembered that her voice was also harsh."Would you like some water?" I offered.

She was still staring at the emptiness next to me. I hid my discomfort.

She shook her head quickly, " she's back."

She's doing it again. I smiled, "who is back Emily?"

Yet again, she stared at the space next to my right side. She stared at it deathly. My discomfort came back. Her innocent eyes were now murderous.

I was startled when she snapped back to me with her old eyes, " her,'' she hissed quietly, "it's her, Miss. Alene,"Her shriveled hand twitched at the space next to me, "her," her tone was less pleasant.

I felt sorry for her. She was very strange. Weird.

I smiled to hid my thoughts, "okay," and ignored her strangeness to get to her IV," you should try to eat today," I said to cut the silence.

When she didn't respond, my heart sped. I can't believe what I just asked her. I turned slowly to face her.

Her face crumbling into a fierce frown and her small nose flared " why would I do that?" She croaked

"So you can stop using the feeding tubes," I stated quickly. Wouldn't she want that?

"But they are much better than actual food, Mrs. Alene. Everyone knows that."

I guess not. I looked at her true believing face. She meant what she said. Emily is not one to joke often. But she doesn't ever truly come with her own opinions. So someone filled her heard with that nonsense. Who would do such thing? "Who told you that?"


My smile fell.

Mrs.Angie. Emily's terrible cold-hearted mother. Of course it was her to fill this innocent child with nonsense. She really doesn't care for Emily.

She truly wants her dead.

"Your mother lied to you," I said flatly.

Her asymmetrical face redden, ''she wouldn't do that."

She needs to calm down. I placed my hand on hers and squeezed softly. Her tension eased. She needs to know for herself how evil her mother is, "she would lie, Emily."

Emily jolted awkwardly as her shriveled hands shoved mine away. She was quite strong, so her strength push me backwards. I caught myself and straightened back calmly and quickly.

"You can't say that! Mrs. Angie wouldn't lie! She wouldn't!" She was spitting as she spoke. I was at a good distance to avoid her spray and mighty grip. She began to hyperventilate crazily. Her gasping for air shouldn't have scared me as much as it did. Her heart monitor beeped loud and quickly. Tears came down her face.

" Calm down, Emily," I said, trying to stay calm.  I quickly yet smoothly motioned towards the emergency. Since she was terrified of needles we found a way to keep her connected without having to re-stick her with sharp ends.

Most of the time she gets sharp ends.

Emily whirled awkwardly in her bed. Her big eyes fluttered madly. Sweat glistened on her uneven forehead.

" I'm dying!" she gasped, " I'm ...." she began to relax," I'm...dy-"

I watched her relax her abnormal body. She was much more appealing calm. And at times I can see her innocent self as cute; adorable almost.

"Sleep well sweet Emily," I smiled softly down at her as if she were my child, slowly falling asleep. My heart slowed as I saw how she was calm. Hearing her settled breaths put me at ease.

When she was completely asleep, I gave her her daily needs. Then left quickly out the heavy doors. Immediately I was meet with doctors, scientist and more. Questions barked at me from every angle.

"Quiet! Make a path! Move!"

That booming, demanding voice shook the whole crowd into silence. A space formed in front of me and at the end of it was a terrifying aura. With a shaky breath, I kept walking until I was faced with a tall muscular man. He towered over me, and stared down at me with deep glowing green eyes.

"Emily is getting worst," I stated and gave him my notes, " and we should stop Emily's mother from visiting."

I stared back at him as long as I could. He won. He was too intimidating. He flash his bright perfectly white smile. My stomach fluttered.

"Well..," his voice alone made me purr. Deep and smooth, "you know what to do."

"Yes, sir," I said, now staring at his expensive polished shoes.

He took my notes and paper files, then tucked it under his arm, " Miss. Alene."

"Yes, sir?"

"Assign someone to contact and speak to Mrs. Angie."

"Yes, sir." I watched his shoes leave my view, then quickly come back.

His shadow casted next to me. His warmth was close, "oh and one more thing," he paused; making me suffer with his silence and warm breath, " meet me after work in my office."

He winked causing me to blush. Thankfully my brown skin hid my feelings for him.

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