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I don't know how long it's been since I yelled at momma. She stared at me in the most disgusted way. I am not disgusting! I am human. Human just like her!

"Sit down."

Her words shook at me and I quickly sat down," I'm sorry Mrs.Angie."

She sighed, "I wish you the best of luck," she stood, " I'll take my leave."

"You can't leave me here, you can't! Mrs.Angie? Mrs.Angie?" She continued to make her way out, hurriedly pushing in her chair. I curled my fingers as the door was opened for her, "Mrs. Angie!!"

She froze at my new tone.

 I was stunned at myself as well. 

I stood slowly with my sweaty trembling hands. I stared around, seeing everyone on high alert. 

Ready to jump or run away from me.

"I'm no monster, " I started, " but I'm not a princess either. That doesn't mean you can treat me any way. I want to go outside and play. I want.... I want to save the world."

"Stop this. Stop this now," Mrs.Angie hissed, " I will not tolerate you no longer! The only reason why I'm still babysitting you is because of your father! " Her hands shook and eyes searched everywhere, " your father is dead, Emily. He is dead and I'm here left alone stuck with you. Your not a baby anymore! I'm going to live my life on without having you to drag around. If you can even love, then love me enough to let me go.  I want a life of my own."

Everything grew quiet. My heart ached at her words. "A life without me......," I looked up, " what did I ever do.... to deserve this?"

She clenched her teeth and gripped her handbag. Her eyes were glossy from holding back tears that were never for me. She cleared her throat and step up, " you lived."

"Mrs.Angie," coughed one of the workers, " I mean no disrespect but-"

"Then don't say anything at all. Simple, " she looked at the ground, "I'm leaving."

She turned around, and as she did the world seemed to slow. The air grew thicker... heavier. I gasped for air as my heart became a heavy weight in my chest. Colors and shapes collided as I found myself on the ground. People were scurrying around and yelling commands that I couldn't hear. Hands gripped me and shook me, but I felt nothing. She continued to leave.

She never loved you. 

"You never loved me.......," I mumbled.

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