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"Mary," I whispered at her door, " I have something to tell you." With a shaky breath, I opened the door to the cold dark room,"Mary," I said again. 

I have to tell her. She needs to know.

I inhaled deeply and tried not to blurt out. "You are dying."

She didn't say anything. I watched her round stomach rise and fall. Slow yet deep breaths, made her sick figure even more fragile. Seeing her breath, fluttered my heart. She was beautiful. I loved her. I still do. I love her. 

But she can't hear me tell her that.

"You can't understand me, huh?" I walked from the door way towards her," probably can't hear me either," I sat on the edge of her bed. I strangled a cry. If it's true that she can hear me, then I must not cry.  Or she will cry. I want her to be happy, and I want to tell her to be happy.

But she can't hear me tell her that.

"But it's okay," I gave her my best smile I can manage," it doesn't make much of a difference."

She may not ever hear me again.

I got up, kissed her forehead and went towards the thermostat. 

She must be freezing.

But your used to being cold aren't you?

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