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I felt like a happy pup as I saw Miss. Alene walking her way into my office. She looked tired and her usual low curly bun was somehow a bigger more curler. And her usual neatly ironed clothes were slightly wrinkled and a popcorn was rested on his shoulder. 

"What have you been doing?"

"You know exactly what I've been doing," she stood far from my desk with her usual beautiful stoned expression. 

"Now, now, Miss.Alene. You won't talk to your boss with that attitude would you?"

Ignoring my question, she rested her weight onto on side, her wide hips swift to the right. I glanced at her. Up. Down. And smiled. I made eyed contact and she shriveled away. 

I laughed," how are you so cute!?"

She crossed her arms, " Mister.Me if you called me to your office to flirt, then I will just be on my way. It's very late."

I chuckled," I'm very aware of the time, Miss.Alene. I just wanted to discuss information on tomorrow. The event. So please, take a seat."

She tensed. She took a seat in front of my desk and backed up, " I'm listening."

Leaning  back into my chair I started, " I want us to go out before the event to prepare. Early in the morning. I'll treat us to breakfast, and I'll buy your outfit and whatever else you need."

She thought, "that's unnecessary, Mister.Me. I have my outfit already, but thank you for the offer."

I sighed, " Alene," I groan and she squirmed in her seat, " your SO hard to get, you know?"

"I'm not trying to be easy, Mister.Me." She stated, crossing her very sexy brown legs.

"Ha!" I chuckled, " I just remembered your dying  confession of love for me! " I eyed her, wiggling my brows, then made serious eye contact," I love you too. " 

I waited for a response that never came. She said nothing, but her face told me she was furious.

"Your so confusing."

She glared at me and I couldn't help but smile. She was so hot when she was angry.

Suddenly, she shot up from her seat and I quickly looked up at her from the shade of her shadow. She was furious. 

"YOU, Mister.Me are the confusing one!  You're my boss! We're not even dating nor do I want to yet you still keep pushing this on me! It's not fair and I refuse to let this drag on! This has to stop! I'm never comfortable being near you because of this! You!  Are! My! Boss! And that's all you'll ever be."

I stared at her in surprise and shock. Then curiosity then confusion. Finally I felt wrong. Guilty. The feeling simmered with the short silence. 

Her full lips stumbled and tears fell down her soft looking skin," I'm so tired of this,"she whimpered, " I came here because I enjoy what I do. I didn't come here for romance."

"Can't it be both?" I said in a hushed voice.

She stared at me in rage and disbelief, " what?"

Now I felt my lips stumble as I mumbled, " I never wanted you to feel this way, but.."

"But what?" Her attitude level went up, " we are no longer little kids, Mister.Me, and we have a lot of responsibility.  As the CEO of this large company, and a grown man you of all people should know that," I could tell she was watching her volume now. She was smart and she knew her position compare to me. 

I stood and she became engulfed in my shadow, " But, I now understand that I am wrong. Though I don't think I can stop liking you as much as I do; what I can do is let you chose whether or not you want to attend the event with me."

There was a long pause as she wiped the escaped tears as I practically heard my heart throbbing aloud. 

Look what you did. 

I didn't do anything!

You made her cry. You did. 

"I didn't mean to make you cry..."

She looked up at me with caring eyes and my heart fluttered. She took a deep breath, " I know. I let myself get weak in front of you and I shouldn't have. "

" You don't have to keep your guard with me," I made my way around my desk, " I would never hurt you." 

"Maybe not on purpose," she gave a weak chuckle.

I smiled softly, " I could work on that."

We were in silence as there were no desk separating us. A gap that I wanted to close. I resisted the urge as she finally spoke, "  I don't want to go to the event with you."

Her words hit me but they were not a surprise, " I understand," I sat back down.

"I wasn't finished," she said," I will go if Emily gets the option to come along."


"I will go as long as Emily can attend along with us."

"So you want a third wheel?"

"Mister.Me," she crossed her arms.

"Ha, sorry, " I waved off my past words then I shook off my goofiness," you and I both know that idea is a bad one. But if that's really what you want....."

She cleared her throat with an embarrassed smile, " you must know I'm joking."


"I would never put Emily through that much anxiety."

"So what does that mean for us?"

"Nothing is going to happen to us besides attending the event together."

My heart skipped, but before I get too excited I must make sure, " are you positive you want to do this?"

She shrugged, " yeah. It's not like it's a date."

I wanted to shirk like a teenage girl. I resisted the urge to pick her up and spin her around, " I mean it could be..."

"Come on, really?" She laughed, " I guess you can't help it. You're such a child."

She got up and opened the door," see you tomorrow morning, Mister.Me."

She went through and shut the door with a bang. 

"So I wasn't completely forgiven."

I couldn't hold in my happiness. My smile grew big," I'm so in love right now."

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