Miss. Alene

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I barely noticed my heels clanking loudly on the hard clean floor. I barely notice the stares and people quickly scurrying out of my way.

I was furious.

Emily had the papers and somehow slipped it from my grasp. The scary thing is that Emily just had an outburst. It could be because of her terrible mother, something triggered her or worst: she read the paper, and wants to leave.

I stormed past the crowd of people and stood in the mist. I took a deep breath and yelled, " CLEAR OUT!! NOW! OUT! Everyone out! This is madness! Move it! Who was in charge of barricading the doors and Emily?!"

" It was me, ma'am."

I snapped at the short lady. She flinched at my glare," where is Emily's mother? And why are there so many people in here?" I turned towards the crowd, " we do not need this many people in this room. Your all acting like this is your first day here! Act as you were trained to! Everyone dismiss!"

Everyone left except the small lady and I.

She gave me her notes," I agree with you, Miss. Alene."

"Agree with what?"

" Mrs. Angie is strange. Emily adores her even though she was her abuser."

"Emily is traumatized," I whispered, " her mind was literally forced to make her believe that her mothers abuse was good. That she was good to her."

"And her father...?"

" Her father abused her too," I stared at Emily. She was asleep, "he used to be a surgeon. He became mental. He tested and did things on Emily. Though she would never remember it. She might have D.I.D. I won't be surprise with all she already has. But all this you should have already known if you read the prepared files."

The small woman nod, "but... Emily went crazy and cried about the news of her father."

I blinked, "she must be confused. We need to continue our research," I glanced back at Emily, "she deserves to live a normal life."

The small woman came closer and I grew uneasy, " you know that won't be possible."

I sighed, " we could at least try."

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