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"Harry! I can't believe you said his name!!!" Y/n yelled at her brother as she scrambled around the tent, gathering up anything she could. They heard a noise outside, Hermione had transformed Harry's face so it was almost unrecognisable and Y/n went into her animagi form, holding that whatever death eaters where there, they wouldn't know about it. Pipsqueak his in Ron's pocket, shivering out of fear.

The death eaters grabbed the golden trio, but Y/n got away and attempted to attack Greyback. They ripped at each other's throats for a few seconds until one of the death eaters shot the "revelio" charm at Y/n, revealing her form. Greyback stopped immediately, knowing that if he hurt Y/n, the dark lord would have his head. Y/n's wrists where tied up to make it trickier for her to escape.

They where apperated to Malfoy manor.
"Draco, do you recognise them?" Lucius asked his son. Y/n just sat on the floor, knowing that everyone in the room knew who she was.
"I know the red head and the mudblood, but I've never seen the other one in my life." Y/n shot her boyfriend a dark look for using that sort of language towards her friend, she knew however that it meant his survival in these dark times.
"And the girl?" Lucius asked, referring to Y/n.
"Well of corse. She barely even tried to hide." Draco smiled at Y/n. She easily got out of her bonds and went over to him. The trio was sent away to god knows where, then all eyes where on a far door.

Charlie came through the door, wanting to see what all of the commotion was about. His eyes devilishly lit up when he caught sight of Y/n. An evil smile spread across his face. Y/n backed away from him slowly, drawing her wand as she did so.
"Hey kid." He remarked as he shot the cruciato curse at Y/n. She bent backwards in pain, but she managed to hold back her scream.
"Y/n!" Draco called to her, he was held back by his father's cane, stopping him from running over to her. Through the pain, Y/n managed to aim a curse at Charlie, making him loose focus, Y/n then shot Charlie at the wall. He crumpled onto the floor, groaning in pain.

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n." Dick said quickly while tapping her on the elbow, after having just blinked over to hear what the bang was. "I suggest you run." He said in a more panicked tone. He then grabbed Y/n by the elbow, Draco by the sleeve of his shirt and blinked them all to his room in the manor. It was fairly small, but dick argued that "at least I can't touch both walls at the same time with my hands." Y/n smiled at his comment, happy to have her best friend back. She wrapped the two into a big hug, they hugged her back having missed her too.

There where two beds in the room, one opposite the other on either side of the room.
"What's with the double beds?" Y/n asked.
"Dick and I have been sharing a room." Draco explained
"Yo what?! And you kept telle'n me that you had "the biggest room in the house" and a "king sized bed for two" and yet you only had it for yourself! And now you be telle'n me you was lye'n? Now you telle'n me that you be getting all cozy with my best friend, cuz I always thought that story would be about Harry! I would've been fine with that! Dricko, I am not a fan of!" Y/n vented, suddenly getting concerned that her boyfriend had been sleeping with her best friend... the situation was weirder in Y/n's head as she also realised that she only really had guy friends and all the girls she knew (except Logan) where just background characters for her to phase into if ever the opportunity occurred... she asked realised she was sentient and could feel her own thought being written for her... then she thought of this and it was all fine!

 then she thought of this and it was all fine!

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"I do have my own room Y/n. Chill. I wasn't lying. It's just, since Dick started living here, I'm not alone anymore." Draco tried to explain
"Oh what, and that goes for your bed as well?! You and Dick becoming good bed friends?! Huh?!"
"No. Think Y/n. Separate beds..." Draco gestured to the beds either side of them. "Separate people..." He said motioning between him and Dick "both of which have girlfriends." He finished. Y/n looked confused... what's new? She looked at Dick, then realisation hit her.
"You and Logan?!" She asked him. He nodded courtly. Y/n whooped and clapped her friend on the back.

"What's that?" Draco asked, referring to Y/n's tattoo.
"Long story." Y/n reached into her backpack and pulled out a couple of cold beers and a photo album full of pictures from the fight club and her drinking buddies. She explained each picture as she told the story, Dick and Draco hooked on every word. Once she had finished the story, and with that her drink, Narcissa walked in.

"Oh thank goodness! There you are." She wrapped Y/n into a tight hug. "I can assure you your brother is fine dear." She said, looking Y/n in the eyes. "Now, what on earth happened to you?" Draco groaned and rolled his eyes. If only his mother had come in a little sooner!
"Blinked away from here. Walked into a fight club. Lost a fight. Got a tattoo. Got super wasted. Won a bunch of fights. Beat the biggest guy. Walked to the Weasley's. Got into another fight. Got shot. Got help. Had birthday. Went to a wedding. Got attacked. Infiltrated the ministry by causing a super cool distraction. Went camping. Brother said the dark lords name. Harry was an idiot. Fought Greyback. Now I'm here." She "briefly" explained.

"So that was your brother?" Narcissa asked. Y/n looked nervously from Draco to Dick, both of them nodded reassuringly.
"No?" Y/n replied, cautious as to not give her brother's position away.
"Well, if it is, your secrets safe with me. I can't imagine what you wouldn't do to help your brother." She put her hand reassuringly on Y/n's.
"Thank you. That means a lot." Y/n smiled at Narcissa.
As the chandelier fell to the floor, Y/n dodged out of the way in a desperate attempt to reach her brother before he apperated away. Alas, she was too late. She tumbled to the floor, having tried to leap towards them, but with no support of her landing, she fell. Y/n got up, brushed herself off, and blinked to Dick's room. Once there, she got onto one of the beds and hugged her knees to her chest. Dick and Draco soon joined her.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to leave." Draco reassured his girlfriend as he rubbed the back of her hand. Y/n was about to start to sob, but Draco wrapped her in a big hug. Once he released her, Dick came out from behind him, holding a purple coin.
"This is so you can talk to Chloe if you needed to." He handed the purple coin to Y/n and she took it gratefully. There was a small button on the coin, Y/n pressed it and spoke into the coin.
"Y/n? Is that you hun?"
"Yeah." Y/n took a deep breath "do you know where Harry, Ron and Hermione have gone to?"
"Yeah, Flur told me they where with her. You not with them?"
"No. They left without me."
"Ok... I'm gonna apperate over, but I'm gonna have to bring Severus and Y/n-Charlotte with me. Is Charlie there?"
"No. I put him in St.mungos. Threw him against a wall." There was a sigh on the other side.
"Alright. I'll be right over. Be outside." With that, Y/n said her goodbyes to Dick and Draco and swiftly blinked to the front of the house where she saw Chloe holding Severus' hand and with Y/n-Charlotte in her other arm. Y/n picked Severus up and held him on her hip, she then held onto Chloe's elbow and the two apperated away to Shell Cottage.

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