Nimbus 2000

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"Ay! Yo bro! Howzit? Not in any trouble?" Y/n said and she put her brother into a headlock and ruffled his hair.
"No? Why would I be? What do you know y/n?" Harry smiled at his sister
"Cuz Malfoy tricked you into staying up after hours." She replied, letting her brother out of the headlock
"Saw a three headed dog though on the third floor corridor."
"Harry!" Hermione cries
"Oh yo bro! The names y/n I'm Harry's twin." Y/n put her hand out for hermione to take
"Hermione. Hermione Granger." Hermione shook y/n's hand and smiled at her
"Your Slytherin aren't you?"
"Yup! Loud'n'proud! Can finally get away from this doofus." Y/n punched Harry playfully on the arm as she sat down beside him.
"Are other houses allowed to sit with us?" Ron asked
"Don't see no one stoppe'n me." Y/n leaned back and put her feet on the table which inevitably led to her falling off and landing with her back on the floor.
"Well done." Harry said as he helped y/n up off the ground.

She sat back up and a package plopped down in front of Harry.
"Ooh! Wassit?" Y/n asked curiously
"Not sure." Harry read the note and started to dash off to his common room.
"Bie then." Y/n got up and walked over to her Slytherin friends and sat next to Blaise.

"Took you long enough potter." Malfoy scoffed
"He still be my bro, bro yo. Keep it chill. Keep your anger in your pants." Y/n winked at Draco
"What do you mean?!?" He asked irritably
"Well, you just can't stop thinking about my brother and how much you wish he was your friend. Cute really. I can support that." Y/n winked at him again.
"Hey dick..." y/n held up her walkman and attached it to her speaker while looking at Dick "you think'en what I'm think'en?"
"Mamma Mia! Let's do this again!" Dick gave y/n a wide, goofy grin then dove into his bag and pulled out the same feather scarves and glasses, passing the blue star glasses to y/n. Y/n turned the Walkman on as loud as it would go and started to play Mumma Mia by ABBA.

They both got out of their seats and started to strut up and down the hall, drawing eyes and cheers from some other students from all the other houses. In particular two twins from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, Jake (the Hufflepuff) and Bella (the Ravenclaw). They both had raven hair, Jake's short like Harry's and Bella's down to her waist. Jake jumped on top of the Hufflepuff table and started to flamboyantly join in doing some over exaggerated drag dancing like Dick and y/n already were.
"Yeah! Join in the fun!" Y/n shouted at their new found dance partner.
"Slay it Queen!" Dick called at Jake.

Once the song was over, Jake cane skipping over to y/n and Dick to introduce himself.
"I'm Jake, Jake Parker. Uptown New York."
"No way! I'm downtown man!" Dick said enthusiastically as he and Jake slapped hands
"That's my sister Bella over there at Ravenclaw."
"Oh like Twilight?" Y/n asked
"Uh... sure let's go with that." Jake looked at his feet awkwardly "Well, dance with you dudes later." He said as he awkwardly shuffled away.

"Well he was fun." Y/n said in a singsong tone as she went skipping back to her table.
"What do you reckon his deal is? Seemed shiftey." Dick jokes as they sat back down.
"Well, their parents must be a fan of Twilight to name their kids after the main character and one of her love interests." Y/n James back
"Who knew you read Twilight." Dick laughed
"Nah G. Ya boi got ears all round this city. Ya girl know everything." Y/n patted her chest dominantly "you wanna know some gossip? I'll give you some for a price."
"I'm good thanks man, but I'll keep your offer in mind though."Dick joked.
*************************************skipidy doo da
*************************************after a while, y/n decided to detach herself from the group and take a stroll around the grounds.
"Later then." Draco jeered as they said "later" at the enters ceremony hall.

After a while of walking, y/n had gotten quite close to the forbidden forest by mistake. All of a sudden, a pink blob whizzed passed her and started to circle her head in zooming circles. It made noises like "rrrochet" and "chokedy" and "brrrip" sounding like a ferret that just took an energy drink. It then stoped right in front of her face, it's nose touching y/n's. It had the biggest eyes y/n had ever seen of a deep purple shade. It had a little pink tongue hanging out of it's small pink muzzle. It was about the size of y/n's hand and looked as if it was made of half solidified jelly. It started to purr in a high pitched tone that y/n didn't even think was possible.

"Rritchet" it went
"I'm y/n. What about you?" Y/n asked nervously. She didn't know how, but she could understand what the pink blob was saying. It seemed to go up in pitch in the middle of the noise it was making.
"Brip brip."
"Pipsqueak? Is that an insult or what?"
"What would your family call you that?"
"So they get bigger than you? Wait what am I doing, I don't even know what you are."
"What's a morph?"
"Fair point it is what you are. But still." Pipsqueak then wooshed into a small breed of dog and made multiple happy noises, she then changed into a animal that was part dog, part bird and part cat

" Pipsqueak then wooshed into a small breed of dog and made multiple happy noises, she then changed into a animal that was part dog, part bird and part cat

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"Woah... that's neat." The creature standing before her gave a purr of approval. Pipsqueak then went back into her small pink gooey form and wagged the back of her body like a tail while panting with her tiny pink tongue.
"Britchet!" She nuzzled up to Y/n and settled herself in the crook of her neck.
"Geuss I got a new pet now!" Y/n exclaimed to no one. She scratched Pipsqueak on the chin and walked toward the castle with Pipsqueak purring happily.

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