Awkward encounter

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The day had finally come where everyone would be making their trip to Hogwarts. Y/n had finished packing her trunk, complete with spare batteries for her Walkman and of corse all of her favourite tapes, songs and albums. She had also made some makeshift bandanas from made from clothes she didn't wear a lot for Storm and Pipsqueak so that they could have the same sort of style as Y/n did. Pipsqueak had a purple one that she wore proudly in her dog form, and Storm spotted a dusty and ripped red one in wolf form to ensure that he would look both intimidating and badass as he walked Y/n to the train station.
"Hmm. I think it's missing something." Y/n said as she looked at Storm. "I wonder..." Y/n quickly rummaged around in her case, making as little mess as possible, and withdrew a cool pair of black shades. She then made a thread of black string appear out of thin air with the snap of her fingers. She tied each end of the string to either end of the glasses, putting them into a loop. She then placed them on Storms head, he didn't react negatively to Y/n's relief, and instead waged his tail and panted happily.

"C'mon Y/n. We're leaving." Harry said from the doorway.
"Got it!" Y/n said as she put her headphones on and started to listen to "Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley. She then dragged her case down the stairs with Pipsqueak and Storm flanking her.

Once they were outside, having persuaded Mrs Weasley to let Sirius our as his animagus form, Y/n dove into her pocket and withdrew her own pair of badass shades, making her somehow look cooler than she already did. She and Sirius ran alongside each other and chased cats as they went to amuse Harry. Pipsqueak and Storm joined them every now and again but soon went to talking among themselves.

When they finally got to platform 9 and 3/4, the group waved at Sirius as he bounded along after the train before they left the station. Y/n had Pipsqueak on her shoulder, still in her dog form, whereas Storm preferred to keep all four paws on the ground and walk alongside Y/n as the three made their way to the prefect compartment. Once there, Y/n's worst nightmare was confirmed. Draco was the other Slytherin prefect. He winked at Y/n when she came in.
"You alright potter?" He smirked. Y/n half expected Storm to jump him and pin him to the floor, but he did quite the opposite. He voluntarily walked up to him and nuzzled his hand. Draco stroked his head and scratched him behind the ears.
"This your new pet then?" He asked politely
"Yeah, Storm. Usually he would jump any guy that would so much as say hello to me, guess he likes you or something." Y/n shrugged as she began to sit opposite Draco.

"House prefects have to sit together. Same with same you know? so it doesn't get confusing in our muggle attire." He said as he patted the seat next to him. Thankfully it was near the isle seat so that Y/n could make a quick getaway if needs be. Pipsqueak and Storm settles themselves under the table and lay protectively by Y/n and Draco's feet.
"So, did you get my letters?"
"Of corse I did dumb ass. I wouldn't be written back if I didn't." Y/n answered
"So if I didn't make the first move, you wouldn't have contacted me all summer?"
"No! Of corse I still would've written back! Your my best bro!" Y/n said as she attempted to friend zone Draco, but at this point, with the letters he had written, the attempt seemed pointless.
"You trying to friend zone me? Cuz it won't work." Draco said as he moved closer to Y/n "I can't throw away five years of feelings just like that." He tucked a strand of Y/n's hair behind her ear, making her face hot and flustered. "Did you like the stuff I sent you?" Y/n smiled, remembering the platypus plushie that Draco had given her.
"Yeah. Real brave of you to be seen with something so cute and obnoxious." Draco have her a legitimate smile.
"Your worth it." Was all he said before the other prefects started to file in.

Ron and Hermione soon came in and Y/n felt the need to ask them something.
"How's Harry?"
"Little dejected that we can't share a carriage this year, but otherwise fine." Hermione said as she sat opposite Y/n. When she noticed Draco sitting next to her, she gave her a sympathetic look that was soon replaced with a smirk.
"Surprised to see you here Weasley." Draco jeered. Y/n stepped on his foot, hard, to tell him off for insulting her friend.
"Ow! These are new shoes!" He cried in protest
"Oh boo boo. Should've thought of that before you opened your dam mouth." Y/n said sarcastically. She then discreetly winked at Draco and he smirked back at her.

The meeting soon ended and the prefects went to do their rounds.
"Want to come with us to see Harry Y/n?" Ron asked, but Y/n was pulled away by the arm by Draco.
"Sorry you guys, guess I can't. Tell Harry I said hi though!" Y/n yelled as she was dragged down the hallway and into a compartment. Dick, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle were sat in the carriage, so Y/n was glad that Draco hadn't tried to get some one-on-one time if you know what I mean.

"Y/n! Howzit?" Dick asked as he stood up to give Y/n their handshake that no one else could replicate as it was that complex.
"Cool, cool. Howzit with you?"
"Well, my mother loves me and I hate my mother, so same old I guess. Oh, she's a hooker now as well."
"What?!" The whole carriage said in unison.
"Well, my mom ain't exactly what she used to be, and she can't perform her double act without her double, so she turned to the streets. Wizard, Witch and muggle alike. As long as it brings food to the table, I can't complain. Besides, I get a pretty decent allowance now. And by decent I mean triple figures." Dick boasted. The group spent the rest of the ride listening to the stories of the different people that Dicks mum would bring home, and there were a lot... like a worrying amount... especially for only a two year period.
"I even get sent out of the house when mom brings home a bunch at once. An orgy if you will." Dick concluded as the train pulled up to the station.
"Where do you go?"
"Mom made friendly with a muggle real estate agent who gives me unoccupied apartments for the night in the hope to get a discount with my mom."
"Fairs." Y/n said as they stepped out, Storm and Pipsqueak still close at her heels.

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