Boys are back in town

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Y/n sat on her bed in her room with her headphones on, listening to "boy's are back in town" by thin Lizzy and reading her favourite Spidy-pool comic. Storm and Pipsqueak slept side by side by Y/n's head. Pipsqueak hopped in her sleep as she chased a rabbit in her dream and Storm had his tiny little stubby little arms in the air and his tiny blue tongue lolling out of his mouth, occasionally yapping and growling as he chased something in his dream or had a dream fight.

"Y/n! We've got our owls in!" Hermione yelled as she ran into the room, jolting Y/n out of her music and comic.
"Come on! Here's yours." Hermione threw Y/n's letter at her and she caught it in mid air with magic and opened it once it flew down to her. She read the letter which told her the usual, what she needed for her next year of Hogwarts. But when she tipped the envelope upside down, a Slytherin Prefect badge fell out.
"You're a prefect too?" Hermione asked shocked
"Guess so." Y/n said, shrugging off the concept.

"Do you not care?" Hermione asked
"Just a shiny badge really. Sure I have a responsibility but I've also got my own brand to keep alive! Below adverse can't survive on its own without the music!" Y/n threw her arms in the air and fell back onto the bed.
"You can still do all that you know. Being a prefect doesn't take up much time Y/n."
"Fair enough." With that, Y/n flopped down onto her bed again and got back to her comic. Hermione walked out of the room to see Harry and Ron.

Mrs Weasley soon found out that Ron too had become a prefect, so that night, there was a party to celebrate all of the new prefects in the house. Y/n spent the majority of her time up in the banisters, listening to anything Elvis and Elton. Storm lay on the beam overlooking the party to make sure that no one came near Y/n or Pipsqueak, and Pipsqueak was buzzing around everyone's heads. Y/n decided to join the party so jumped down from the banister and Storm swooped down to be Y/n's guard dog.

"Well done for the prefect position Y/n. Your father would be extremely proud." Sirius ruffled Y/n's hair, but was stopped by Storm snapping at his hand.
"Sorry about him. He doesn't seem to like other people." Y/n said as she put a hand over Storm's eyes to calm him and he started to purr at the smell of Y/n's hand.
"Well, you do seem to have it covered Y/n." Sirius laughed and gave Y/n a one armed hug. Storm growled but realised that Y/n wasn't in any danger, so took no action as to defend her. Storm was soon distracted however by Pipsqueak coming up to his face and sniffing his nose. She licked the tip of his nose and wagged her tail. Storm looked rather flustered and his blue cheeks went a slight shade of pink. The two then proceeded to chase each other around the room. Y/n walked over to her brother and looked over his shoulder to see a picture that Moody was showing him of their parents. She chuckled slightly at seeing how happy her parents were back in the day.

"You look a lot like your mom you know. You both have her eyes." Charlie said as he came up from behind her with a plate of food. Y/n smiled again and looked up at him. She then proceeded to steal his pizza slice and ran back up to the banister with it, where she lazily ate it.

Later in the evening, the children were sent to bed, so Y/n was left talking to Hermione and Ginny for a good hour or so.
"Who do you think is the other Slytherin prefect Y/n?" Hermione asked as she sat on her bed with her pyjamas.
"I dunno, Dick? Malfoy? Possibly Blaise, but unlikely. Kinda hope it's Dick. That'll be neat." Y/n answered as she too sat on her makeshift bed she made on the floor, also in her pyjamas.
"Bet you it's Malfoy." Ginny teased.
"Ugh! Would you knock it off already? Yes, Draco likes me, but I don't think I like him in that way." Ginny smirked at Y/n and raised her eyebrows.
"You don't think you like him?" Y/n looked at Ginny in shock
"So you could eventually like him?"
"No! Not at all! He's been one of my best friends for too long! It would be weird." Y/n argued back
"Bet you won't be saying that when you two kiss." Ginny teased

"Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed
"Oh come on! Yes the guy's a twat and yes he picks on everyone, but I think the two would look really cute together." Y/n looked at Ginny with an amused expression
"You know, I take the mic out of him sometimes. For having a crush on me that is."
"What do you do?" Ginny asked, intrigued at what Y/n could possibly do to annoy Malfoy.
"Well, Harry and I practically look the same right? And Draco bullies Harry, right? But not me."
"Yeah that's because your a girl. A girl in Slytherin as a matter of fact." Ginny interrupted
"Let me finish." Y/n said to Ginny "anyway, I push his buttons by saying that he has a major crush on Harry. Cuz you know that thing where if a guy is mean to you it means they like you? Well I joke that it's the same with Draco and my brother. I nicknamed them Drarry. The perfect name!" Ginny was rolling around on the floor laughing and Hermione was trying to stifle her giggles.

After what felt like ages of laughing and gossiping, the three finally decided to go to bed. Pipsqueak and Storm had finally  made their way into the room and bundled themselves over Y/n as big cats to keep her warm, and eventually drifted off to the magical place of dreams that was the gift of sleep.

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