Wolf in human clothing

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It had been about a week now since Y/n's secret was told to the school, but somehow, everyone seemed fine with it. Wether it was the fact that she was the Slytherin twin and people just assumed she was going to turn out to be a bad egg, Y/n didn't know, but it was nice not to be shunned away by people. Somehow her optimistic outlook on the whole situation made every one else more at ease with the news. The fact that she was completely open to showing the scar when asked surprised most people, but her happy face and fun nature just kept everyone on her side.

It was Monday and break time. Y/n could think of little to do. Pipsqueak was acting quite restless as she kept on flashing from a wolf and back to her natural self again every other second it seemed.
"Arf!" She barked
"Alright, alright! I hear ya! Wasn't hungry anyways." With that, Y/n transformed herself into her animagus form and her and Pipsqueak bolted off to the forbidden Forest, both racing to get there first.

Y/n managed to only just reach the Forrest floor before Pipsqueak and immediately smelt something delicious. It was coming from the west of where she stood. She pressed her nose to the ground and followed the trail. After about five minutes, she found the source. A lone stag out in the open. Practically asking to be lunch. Something came over Y/n at that point... like she wasn't in control of her own body... a wave of hungry killer instinct overtook her and she went feral.

She let out a low growl and started to circle the creature, waiting for the right moment. She accidentally trod on a twig, causing the stag to look up to see if a predator was about, Y/n took this opportunity to strike! She pounced in the unsuspecting deer and bit into its neck, bursting its artery. It struggled for only a few moments before it went still... and dead.

It was at this moment that Y/n was brought back to her senses. She immediately returned to her human form, switching into her jeans and hoodie in the process. She looked at the stag in horror. She took out her wand to try a feeble attempt to revive it.
"Repario?" The wound healed, but the stag stayed still. It was at this moment that Pipsqueak came thundering to the scene, having finally found Y/n after chasing a Doxy round the Forrest.

"What do you suggest we do?" Y/n asked her bouncy little friend who had now started sniffing the deer corpse.
"Fair enough... wingardium leviosa!" Y/n cast the floating spell on the deer and used her own powers to make its legs move as if it were still alive, all that could be heard in the foreboding Forrest was the echoing clip clip of the stag hooves.

Y/n decided to speed up the process my blinking the three of them to the front entrance. Students who were making their way to herbology or their care of magical creatures lesson, were staring at the deer with the lopsided head that bounced as it clip clopped after Y/n and into the school building. Pipsqueak had formed back into her normal self and hovered on Y/n's right shoulder.
"Bripchet wir!"
"You think? Wouldn't it be weird if I walked into class with a dead deer?"
"Rawr." Pipsqueak shook her head once and started to float ahead of Y/n.

They casually walked into their potion class where everyone stared at them. Charlie sat at the Slytherin table with an empty seat to his left, Dick and Draco sat opposite him and Crabbe and Goyle sat at the end of the table.
"Hey professor!" Y/n called casually to Snape
"I will not tolerate lateness in my classroom thank you Miss Potter. Please sit." Y/n walked into the room a bit more and the deers head peered over her shoulder. Because she wasn't entirely focused, the deer floated into her, jogging her memory as to what she was there to do.

"Oh right! Got a deal for you professor. Once in a lifetime! Best bargain you will ever have the pleasure of... witnessing." Y/n lost her thread as she realised that she had no business skills whatsoever apart from the various infomercials she had watched.
"What do you think gives you the authority to walk into my classroom late, and then have the nerve to sell me something?"

"The fact that I noticed you were out of deer hooves my friend, and boy do I have a steal for you!" At this a few of the girls screamed as they saw the deer hover just behind Y/n.
"And what happened here Miss Potter?"
"Pipsqueak went rogue." Y/n answered a little too quickly
"What is the real story here kid?" Charlie said as he menacingly got up from his seat, his face looked dark and scary, much like his brother.
"I'm gonna have to talk to you later." Y/n said quickly she snapped her fingers and there was a grotesque but quick ripping noise like that of Velcro. Turned out, Y/n had ripped off the deer hooves and she flicked her wrist to make them stack neatly on the table were Draco and Dick were sitting.

"I hope you realise that because of your connection to Mr Riddle you shall receive only one detention tonight with me. I shall take the hooves, but you shall receive no income from me." Snape waved his wand and the hooves flew across the room and into a jar full of a strange blue liquid.
"Sounds fair." Y/n replied shrugging nonchalantly and turning to make her way out of the classroom.
"What makes you think I have allowed you to leave my classroom Miss Potter?" Y/n turned round again to listen to Snape politely.
"I dunno. Probably the fact that I have a dead stag that I need to get rid of in a calm, humane way." She started to walk out of the classroom and down the hall. Charlie got up from his seat and nodded at Snape to show that he had control of the situation and he followed her out.

She was ok for a Potter Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat