Well okay then

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Once all of the first years were sorted, the feast begun. Dick helped himself to a large portion on fries, but y/n put nothing on her plate. For some reason, she wasn't hungry. Pipsqueak soon came tumbling into the main hall and fluttered around y/n's head excitedly.
"There's nothing up there Pipsqueak, I've already looked."
"Alright! Alright! Fine I'll go!" Y/n got up from the table and made her way to the wall
"What on earth are you doing?" Draco asked before he shoved a large spoon on peas into his mouth.
"Climbing. Got bored." Y/n shrugged off. She stepped away from the wall a bit then snapped her fingers. She changed herself into a hoodie, jeans, converse shoes and a cool, badass brown leather trench coat.

She then took a running jump onto the wall and proceeded to climb up it by using a series of cool flips, making her look like a total badass

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She then took a running jump onto the wall and proceeded to climb up it by using a series of cool flips, making her look like a total badass. She then reached the main beam that lay above the ceiling charm. There wasn't really much there, except for a spot in the middle where all the beams joined up together. Y/n swiftly made her way over to that spot and thought for a moment. Her happy peacefulness was abruptly shattered however by the sudden zooming pink blob that was Pipsqueak.

"Yeah I see where your coming from. And a den would be super cool up here... shall we?" Y/n looked at Pipsqueak, her fingers poised and ready to snap.
"Brip." Pipsqueak Said while nodding in agreement. Y/n snapped her fingers and found herself standing on a small wooden floor that was surrounded by multi coloured fairy lights. Behind her was an assortment of bean bags that leant against the main pillar. There was also a stereo where y/n could blast out her latest albums. It was a pretty swanky looking den for something of such short notice.

Y/n and Pipsqueak hung out up there for an hour or so until they heard the bustle of footsteps leaving the hall and decided to go join the crowd. Y/n did a backflip off the beam and onto the wall where she proceeded to gracefully hop and jump to the floor where she was greeted by Dick and Draco.
"That... was super cool." Dick exclaimed in awe
"What where you doing up there anyway?" Draco asked
"Cool new hangout. You should see it sometime." Y/n replied
"If it's all the way up there, I think I'll pass thanks." Draco answered back sheepishly. Y/n and Dick decided to race each other to the common room, leaving Draco in their dust. Once the group found each other again in the common room, they just talked for hours until they decided to go to bed.

The next day, y/n was about to go up to her new spot while everyone else ate, but stopped when the owl post arrived. And for the first time, Dick got a letter from someone he would rather forget. His mother. He tore it open with caution, speed read the letter and gasped in horror.
"What is it?" Y/n asked curiously
"Someone paid my Mom's bail... it's from her... says she's got a new boyfriend too and wants to see me... what do I do? The woman's mad! There's no way in hell I would want to see her again, but if I told her that, I would be next on her murder list!" Dick tossed the letter in the air in frustration.
"Did she say when she wanted to meet?" Y/n asked
"Yeah, on our first hogsmead weekend. Wants me to meet her at that creepy bar "the Hogs head". That place realy gives me the creeps. Only weird witches and wizards go in there! Plus the place is covers with filth and grime. Totally gross." Dick threw his arms in the air and smacked his face on the table in defeat. Draco patted him on the arm sympathetically and they all continued to eat their breakfast.
"Hey, I know what would lift your spirits..." y/n piped up after about a minute or so
"What?" Dick asked gloomily, his head still on the table
"Below average comes to Hogwarts baby!" Y/n jumped up from her seat in excitement and snapped her fingers. All of their band equipment appeared suddenly behind her. She then stood on the table and cleared her throat.

"Students and teachers of Hogwarts! My name is Y/n Potter! I'm sure you all of corse know my brother Harry, well, he may somehow be the famous one for our scars, but I shall put it upon myself to become well known for something spectacular, Something terrific, something truly out of this world! Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of all ages! pleeeaaase pure your hands together for the most fabulous, hard rock, badass band you will ever get the pleasure of hearing.... BELOW AVERAGE!!" The whole hall erupted with applause and y/n took a fractious bow and then hopped down to join the rest of the band. There was however something different about their setup this time, y/n had put in a grand piano that Jake was currently sitting at and eagerly waiting to play their first melody.

Y/n went over to where Emmet was standing and took the mic off him.
"Yo yo yo! If you know this one then feel free to sing along! Ladies and gentlemen, Below average's cover of Bohemian Rhapsody!" The hall erupted with applause and cheers once more and Jake started to play the iconic intro. The whole hall it seemed, started to sing along with Emmet. When it came to y/n's solo, she did an iconic, rock star jump into the main beat of the song and the whole hall got to their feet and she started to walk around and skid on the floor when the note got really high. Everyone applauded her marvellous exploit and asked for an encore, so they gave them one by performing more badass songs until it was time to head for their lessons.

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