Wannabe Drarry

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"Y/n, you there?" Came Draco's voice from around Y/n's neck. Harry and Y/n were hanging out at the skate park with Dick, Ron and Hermione. Y/n picked up the silver dragon jewel and held it up to her mouth and started to speak into it.
"Yeah, I'm here. What do you want babe?" Y/n said as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"What'cha doing?" Draco asked
"Hanging at the skate park with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Dick. Wanna come over?"
"No need to ask. I was already in the area to surprise you, what skate park are you at? Oh wait, never mind. I see you." Y/n looked up and scanned the park for her boyfriend. She saw him by the entrance, surrounded by skaters, trying his hardest not to get run over.

Draco smiled at Y/n as he started to run to jump onto the abandoned ramp that everyone was sitting on. He stopped and glanced at Harry cautiously as he pulled himself up and sat next to Y/n. Y/n turned to Draco and greeted him with a gentle kiss.
"You lot alright?" Draco asked the group at large. Harry refuses to answer.

"C'mon Harry! He's just trying to be nice." Y/n said as she told his brother off.
"Alright, fine. For you Y/n, not him. You." Harry sighed in defeat and looked at his knees.

The group managed to talk together for a while, until a certain subject came up.
"What are we going to do about Sirius?" Dick asked, a discrete single tear rolling down his cheek. "I feel awful, you know? I mean, I just got my dad back, and just like that, he's gone. I'll never see him again. I'll never be normal." Dick whipped his nose on his sleeve as he sniffed slightly.
"And what fun is being normal? Look at us! The most abnormal kids people know of, hanging out together. We've got two legendary twins, an extreme red head, the smartest girl in school, a scarhead, and of corse you mate. By far the best person anyone could have the pleasure of knowing of, let alone actually have the honour to call you a friend." Draco said as he punched his best friend in the shoulder.
"And what, I'm just another half of a twin for you? Do I remind you of my brother that much?" Y/n laughed as Draco's face went red from embarrassment.
"I-I um... well if I described you... it wouldn't be appropriate for friendly company! And how many times do I have to tell you that I don't fancy your brother?!" Draco said as he playfully pushed Y/n. Harry and Y/n shared exactly the same mischievous grin as they leaned forward to look at each other.

"Actually Malfoy, now that Y/n mentions it, she really could pass off as me. Pretty well too." Harry took off his glasses and passed them to Y/n. Y/n turned away from the group so that she could fix her hair to look like her brother's, when she turned back around, they couldn't be more alike. The only noticeable difference would've been the fact that Harry doesn't have boobs and didn't have the same fashion taste as his sister, but aside from that, you could really tell that they were twins, maybe even clones. This revelation made Draco blush the deepest red, so much so that he felt the need to shield his face from the entire group. Y/n tried to kiss him on the cheek but he pushed her away, humorously ashamed at the thought that he could possibly have slight feelings for her brother. Draco had to keep telling himself that he was straight in order to stay sane. He then felt Y/n's arm orotund him and felt her hair tickle his face.

"You know I would totally ditch you if you said that you liked Harry, right? Just as a word of comfort." Y/n successfully kissed him on the cheek and batted her eyelashes at him.
"I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm straight." Draco kept on repeating aloud to everyone else's entertainment.
"What drew you to Y/n initially mate? Might put your mind at ease." Ron suggested. Draco looked sheepishly towards Y/n before he said his answer.
"The fact that she was willing to give me a second chance. It was the first time anyone's done that for me. That and the fact that she didn't say yes to everything I say. Again, another thing no one's done for me." Draco rubbed the back of his neck as he turned a pleasant shade of pink instead of his embarrassed red shade. Y/n kissed him again on the cheek.
"Aw, that's sweet." Hermione stated as Y/n nuzzled her head into Draco's shoulder.
"Just want to make it clear to a certain someone, that you could have the most handsome guy in the world in front of me, and I wouldn't sway once from the girl I love." Draco kissed the top of Y/n's head.
"My brother's not that handsome. How about him?" Y/n laughed, Draco just rolled his eyes, wanting to change the subject.

"What about you Dick? Anyone you fancy at school?" Hermione asked Dick, Draco sighed in relief at the change. Dick gave a schoolgirl like giggle as he turned his face from the group, thinking about the multiple guy crushes he had and the one girl crush he had.
"So?" Hermione pried.
"Logan." Dick giggled "well I mean I've got a couple of guy crushes, but they're nothing."
"Are you bi?!" The group called in unison, dragging the attention of the other skaters. Dick looked at the group with a face that read pure innocence.
"Sure. Just means your all in danger." Draco did a flirtatious motion and the group burst into fits of laughter.

The sun was starting to set and Dick brought the original subject of Sirius back so that they could discuss it before everyone left. Y/n and Harry went silent.
"We should do something really." Hermione said.
"Might be best to do whatever it is after all of this you-know-who stuff has blown over. We can let everyone truly appreciate it that way. His story would be cleared by then and people would understand. They would show up. Besides, we don't have a body to worry about so we don't have to be concerned about preserving it. Disgusting I know, but it's the truth." Y/n said with a straight face as she looked down at the graffitied concrete.
"Yeah. That would be cool." Dick agreed. Hardy nodded too. The group changed the mood again when Harry Dick and Y/n attempted to thatch everyone else how to skate, it went pretty well, Hermione had next to no balance, Ron was a little stiff, but Draco seemed almost at home on the piece of wood. Once their watches chimed 8:00 the group decided to say their goodbyes and part ways.

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