Those good old days

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Y/n led Charlie into her first lesson, potions. The moment they walked through the dungeon door, Charlie stopped dead in his tracks. He stared straight at their potions teacher.
"Severus?" Snape turned around
"You shall address me as professor in this classroom... Charlie?" Snape looked taken aback as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Charlie asked casually as he took a seat next to Y/n on a table with the majority of the Slytherins.
"What are you doing here mr Riddle?" Snape asked coolly
"C'mon Severus, no need to be formal." Charlie stood up and walked to the front of the class to address the class.

"Hey there guys, my name's Charlie, Charlie Riddle. I'm here for that kid there, Y/n Potter." He pointed over at Y/n and winked "I know that some of you recognise my last name, and yes, the dark lord is my brother... well I'm a clone of him... but there's no need to be scared!" He added hastily as he saw the worried glances that were being thrown around the room. "Y/n, you wanna come up and explain yourself?"

Y/n stood up and gingerly walked up to the front of the class. She took a theatrical breath in before she turned to face her peers. She then turned around and put all of her confidence into what she was about to say.
"Yo, everybody, what you've read is true... but let me tell you... I am still the kick ass, better Potter twin you all know and love. All that's changed is I tiny little mark on my skin. Thank you very much and good night." She left the front of the class with an overdone bow and was rewarded by a round of applause and laughter as she did a lap of honour around the class and got back to her seat.

The lesson had almost ended when Snape said
"Mr Riddle, a word?"
"Sure Severus."
"Professor Snape in student company please." Charlie shrugged and motioned for Y/n to stay with him.
"Miss Potter can go to her lesson now Mr Riddle."
"Nope! The kid stays with me." Charlie wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulders. It had only been about an hour since they met, and already Y/n felt like she had another older brother. Snake rolled his eyes and continued anyway.

"What are you doing back Charlie?" He asked Charlie
"Work." Charlie simply replied
"I thought you were in New York. Doing your little shows, smothered by fan girls, drowning in your own fan mail and rolling around in the vast anoint of gallions you've earned."
"I was but Dumbledore sent a letter last night of severe urgency. Told me one of the Potter twins had been marked with the dark mark and needed the right role-model and help. Mentioned her talent of magic without a wand and saying that's why she was marked, poor little kid needs all the help she can get." He ruffled Y/n's hair and then the two men did something most unexpected. The two of them chuckled and pulled each their in for a bro hug. Y/n was both concerned and mesmerised by Snape's peculiar behaviour, her mind then went to think about weird ways they knew each other.

"Oh, right! Sorry kid." Charlie said as he withdrew himself from the embrace "Snape and I were best friends back at school."
"Please don't." Snake rolled his eyes but Charlie continued anyway
"Severus and I were practically inseparable!" He said, wrapping an arm round Snape's shoulders, weirder still, Snape actually smiled! Like a real, genuine, happy smile! Y/n just felt more and more awkward and slowly backed away towards the door.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Seems like you two have a lot to catch up on!" She laughed as she fumbled around for the door handle.
"Oh right! Of corse!" Charlie exclaimed as he hit his forehead with his palm. "We need to go to your next class huh. Well, later man!" Charlie yelled behind him as he ushered Y/n out of the door and ran for their next lesson.

The two finally made it to their transfiguration class just in time. Y/n got in the door just before Charlie and he then got stopped at the door by professor McGonagall.
"Late again Mr Riddle." She smiled "there's a seat next to Mr Potter. Miss Potter! How many times do I have to tell you? Pipsqueak is not aloud in the classroom!" Pipsqueak had wriggled her way out of her little nesting spot inside Y/n's robes and started farting around the classroom.

"Yo, Pipsqueak!" Y/n called to Pipsqueak. She immediately stopped in her tracks and turned to meet Y/n's eyes, her little pink tongue poking out of her tiny mouth, panting. She just wagged her tadpole like tail mischievously and her eyes looked like they were up to something bad.
"Don't you dare." Y/n warned her pink blob
"Rara!" And with that, Pipsqueak zoomed out of the classroom and used the rest of her time darting around the school, trying to find little hidden spaces Filch didn't know about.
"Got rid of that problem then!" Charlie chuckled. McGonagall just hit him over the head as she paced the room.

Charlie and Y/n spent the rest of the day in lessons and messed around at break and lunch making pranks on unsuspecting students. After school, Charlie took Y/n round the back of the school to see what damage her magic could do so he could get a solid idea of why his brother wanted her so much. Turns out, Y/n could do a lot of spookily strong magic for someone of her stature. She had so far managed to throw Charlie 50ft in the air with a simple flick of her wrist, create a massive earthquake on one of the neighbouring mountains around Hogwarts and she had managed to exhaust all of the water in the black lake by making it float 10ft off the ground as if it were just an oversized bubble. The giant squid and all of the other inhabitants of the lake were still surviving in the black floating bubble, making I look sinister and eerie with tentacles swiping in and out of the bubble.

When the sun had finally set, Charlie dropped Y/n off to the Slytherin common room and then made his way to his room back in Hogsmead.

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