You Ok?

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Y/n and Harry sat awkwardly in Professor Slughorn's carriage. Slughorn was talking to Blaise Zambini and Ginny, leaving Y/n and Harry to to to each other.
"So, what did Malfoy want in Diagon ally?" Harry asked, breaking the silence between the two.
"Just wanted to catch up." Harry glanced at Y/n suspiciously.
"Really? Then why did I see the two of you go down Knockturn ally?" Harry turned towards Y/n so they could completely face each other.
"Somethings going on and I will get to the bottom of it. Just tell me now and I won't be mad."

Y/n had to think fast. If she told Harry the truth, Draco would most likely get killed, and she was just starting to enjoy having a relationship. But it would kill her not to tell her brother something so serious.
"Dick's mum died." Those three cursed words brought Harry out of his protective, brotherly shell and into cold reality once more.
"His mum advertised the fact that he could do magic without a wand, the dark lord didn't know that yet. Dick was our secret weapon. Honestly, he was my safety blanket. Now to the dark lord, I'm disposable. Sure I'm the stronger one, but best have one than none in his eyes." Harry just looked at Y/n with concerned eyes. "They went to his house this summer, killed his mum just as she opened the door, according to Draco. Now Dick has to wear these cuffs that construct his wandless magic. He can't blink anywhere anymore, only make things materialise at will. The dark lord has complete control of him."

Harry looked at Y/n for a few seconds, considering his options.
"I would say, stay away from Dick. I know he's your best mate, but he could turn around and kill you at any moment without knowing it. For all we know, he could be under the imperial curse already. Just, be wary. That's all i can say for the moment I guess." Y/n nodded towards Harry, celebrating slightly in her head at the successful change of subject. The two sat in silence for the rest of the journey, only talking when spoken to by another member of the carriage.
************************************* Once the hall was full, Y/n wandered over to where Dick sat in the corner, sad and alone.
"Hey buddy. You cool?" Y/n asked  sympathetically. She noticed something black and metallic poking out of Dicks robe. He saw Y/n notice this and pulled his sleeve down, embarrassed by the truth. He didn't make eye contact with Y/n.
"C'mon, talk to me." Y/n slumped down next to him and put her arm around his shoulder, he didn't move. The sat in silence for a few moments, until Dick burst into tears.
"Woah, woah, woah! Talk to me."
"I'm so sorry Y/n!" Dick sobbed as he buried his face in Y/n's shoulder.
"I don't mean to betray you man! I was forced into it! I'm so sorry!" Y/n patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.
"It's ok bro. I get it. Care to share?" Y/n rubbed Dicks shoulder in sympathy as he continued to sob. He brought his head up and whipped his eye, lifting up his eye patch to rub the skin there. Once he had gotten a grip over his emotions, he rolled up his left sleeve to reveal the rest of the black metallic cuff. It was black chrome with dark green snakes spiralling up and down the cuff. Towards the far end of the cuff, poked out the tail of the dark mark. Dick hung his head in shame. Y/n hugged his shoulder and they sat there in silence for a while as everyone started to file out of the hall.

Draco soon came over and offered his hand for the two to get up. They both took one of Draco's hands. Draco offered Dick a tissue as his eye was all red and puffy. Dick took the tissue gratefully. Draco intertwined his fingers with Y/n's as they made their way to the Slytherin common room.
A few days later, and a few more tears from Dick, the Slytherin trio sat at breakfast on their table.
"Hey Y/n?" Dick started as he picked at his eggs and bacon.
"Why don't we talk to the other guys?"
"Who?" Y/n questioned
"You know... the guys."
"Who are you talking about?"
"You know... um... Jack? Eliot? Um... the others? What happened to them?" Y/n looked around the hall, catching the eye of a few people from other tables. She thought she recognised them... but she couldn't put names to faces.
"I dunno. Second tear characters?"
"What are you on about?" Dick asked, equally as confused.
"You know. Filler. They just show up whenever we seem to not have anything to do in a chapter."
"Why you on about chapters Y/n?"
"You know. Cuz none of this is real. Those guys are just filler for when the author runs out of crap for our dumb asses to do." Dick looked dumbfounded
"Who to the What now?"
"You know. The guy who basically writes out what we do and say and makes our future."
"Who are they?" Y/n leaned in towards Dick so she could whisper in his ear.
"No one knows. They've never been seen. And they never will." Y/n stroked Dicks face fake flirtily with the back of her knuckles. Dick just side glanced at her.
"Then why are they making my life so crap?"
"The author knows." Y/n whispered in his ear. "Everything will turn out ok in the end my little lamb. The author has your best interests in mind tiny paprika."
"Fair enough." Dick shrugged off the darkening concept and carried on eating.

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