I left the hallway and I went down the stairs just to see Umar waiting there

"What now?" He asked why he saw my face

"Nothing" I spat

Why was I getting so angry at him, I'm not even sure if my assumption is true

I was just so angry at my self for trusting him too Much

I literally met him not so long ago and I'm trusting him this much to even marry him?

It's not like you have a choice

Calm down Hameeda

His eyes narrowed and he frowned before he nodded once and he went out of the front door, I followed behind him

The same guy from earlier when we came in was there in front of the car with the key in his hands

Umar collected it and he entered the driver's seat, I entered the passenger's seat and I closed the door then I crossed my hands over my chest and I faced the road

The car wasn't moving so I turned to look at Umar who was also looking at me

I turned back to look at the road and he started the car

He drove out of the two gates and we were back to the main road

I realized that I had to comfort him about this issue before it was too late

I wanted to calm my anger down because for all I know that may not be his intention, but at this point all my mind was telling was that it was his intention

I was battling with my mind about this issue the whole ride home

When we reached my house he parked the car where he usually does, a few walks away from the gate

He turned to me when he saw I wasn't going out

"I need to speak to you" I told him

"Go ahead" he said

I took a deep breath "Are you marrying me because you want to take revenge on me because of what I did at Halima's party?"

Immediately the words came out of my mouth, I heard how stupid and childish it sounded and I suddenly felt guilty

I turned to look at him and I could have sworn I saw hurt flash through his eyes

"Do you actually think I would stoop this low?, I'm just trying to help you Hameeda and this is what you think of me, this who you think I am?" He said

The way his voice was so low scared the hell out of me

I literally felt like peeing

I felt soo guilty

How could I even think of him like that

"I-.." I began to say but he cut my off

"Just save it, get out of my car"

I couldn't even look into his eyes "Umar"

He turned to look at me "go out of my car Hameeda"

I closed my eyes shut and I opened the car and I went out

He didn't even let me finish closing the door and she drove off

So, listen to this, I only cry times that things are actually very serious

So as I walked to the gate I was very surprised to feel a tear running down my eye

I had to stop and and touch it to make sure it was actually a tear

Did I feel that bad?

Right now I felt like crying hard so I rushed to inside the house and I quickly went to my room

I was surprised to enter and see Rabi'ah but that still didn't stop me from crying

I laid on the bed and I cried my eyes out

She immediately came beside me "Hameeda? Mai ya faru?" (What happened?)

I was happy she was here, she knew what was happening between I and Umar so it would be easy to explain to her

In fact, she's the only i told Umar was marrying me so Baba wouldn't disown me

When I calmed down I narrated what happened

"Hameeda I might be your friend but to be honest Umar has every right to be angry, he was actually willing to marry you so that you don't go through humiliation but you painted his intention black, it's not good to quickly jump to conclusions" she told me

I sighed as my hand covered my forehead and I nodded at her

She gave me a quick side hug before she pulled back "now just pray he cools down before the wedding, I mean, it's next tomorrow, let him not get married while angry at the person he's marrying, anche the guy has a bad temper"

"Can we stop talking about what people say about him, that's what brought me in this mess in the first place" I said as I brushed away another tear

She nodded in agreement

"Just calm down Hameeda, everything would be fine Insha Allah" she told me



How are you doing today?

Get your aseobi's ready, next chapter is the wedding 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾🎉


Love, M💕

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