Yang: "Yeah, were friends of his."

Grax: "Friends you say?...one moment."

The boomer looked deep in thought for a bit, making the his look at each other quizzical.

Grax: "He will be coming himself to get you girls, he said you are allowed to enter."

Blake: "Uhm, thanks."

The strategist soon walked back into the fortified underground city. After a bit of waiting, the gates opened in their entirety, and Y/n, King of the Locust walked up to the 4 girls. Not in his Armor per say. But rather casual gear.

Y/n: "Well, if it isn't Team RWBY. You 4 are the First group I see here in a bit that I don't want to kill."

The girls looked at him scared after hearing the word Kill from him so casually. However, he walked up the the group of girls, and gave each of them a welcoming hug as some of the gates guards watched in disbelief.

Sniper1: "The king...is hugging these 4 humans?"

Sniper2: "I guess he knows them. If they are good in his book, so are they in mine."

Y/n: "so, what brings you 4 out here?"

Ruby: "Well..."

Yang: "Noting really, we just wanted to take a look around without someone trying to start a fight."

The King immediately knew to what they were referring to. He sighed remembering the event, but smiled once more after realizing the 4 girls aren't here to start a fight.

Y/n: "very well then, in that case, why don't we walk around for a bit. Later we can have a chat in the Nexus if you wish."

Blake: "Sounds good."

As the group made there way into the city again, the Locusts of the area bowed before their king as he passed them. He waved them of that they don't have to.

Yang: "The sure do respect you, why tell them to stop?"

Y/n: "Because Yang, I don't wish to be seen different just because I am their King. Yes I may give the orders and such, but I still just am a person of the people. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Ruby: "I do!...I think."

Weiss: "He doesn't want to be treated differently because of his status you dunce."

Y/n: "Correct Weiss."

As they continued their tour around the city, The Team of girls was astounded how The Locust changed the Underground City of Mountain Glenn. They soon came across a few Brumaks again that helped move a few stones around for the entrance to a rather large tunnle as support.

Weiss: "Hey Y/n, how do you guys get the resources down here? Like where do you get your food from?."

Y/n: "We may look and are a species scared by ear. But we are still normal beings. We have some of us who up, and cut down trees around entrance holes for wood, while food we brought the majority from Sera. Rockworms may sound disgusting, but fast really good."

Ruby: "Eww...Worms..."

Y/n: "Believe me, they are quite the delicacy."

Blake: "How was your old planet?"

The king stopped in his tracks while Blake flinched thinking she upset him. However he turned to the group with a smile.

Y/n: "How about we move to the Nexus and talk in the living room with some tea? My queen may not seem like it, but she's a great wife with an excellent tea."

The group nodded, as y/n walked in front of them. That was until Yang noticed something, which kinda irritated her.

Yang: "Wife? You never mentioned you're married?"

Y/n: "Oh Yang, she's my queen, of course we are like husband and Wife. Not Like a real marriage, but we like to say we are."

As the group walked into the main building and took seats on the couch across from another where Y/n sat, His Queen Myrrha walked in.

Myrrah: "Ah it's the 4 girls. Hello you four."

They turned around to see Her without her armor as well, just some casual wear you'd wear around your house.

Y/n: "Hello dear. Would you kindly make us some of your wonderful tea? You can join us as well if you wish."

Myrrah: "Of course. I'll be back shortly."

Just like that, she vanished around a corner once more.

Blake: "To think your race is so weaponized and brutal looking. Your very kind to us."

Y/n: "Because you aren't at war with us. You asked what it was like on Sera right?"

Blake: "Mhm."

With a heavy sight the king leaned back on the couch, putting his arms on the back rest.

Y/n: "To be not to gruesome, it was...a hell hole. We locust were fighting a war against our own kind who was changed by something named imulsion. It turned Locust and humans alike to the Lambent. It a desperate attempt at survival, The previous General RAAM along With Karn suggested we escape to the Surface. However, once we came up to the surface, a Three way war started. For years upon years, the Lucust fought the humans on the Surface, while also fighting the Lambend who came from within. After a few major events, Myrrah suggested-"

Myrrah: "That my dear King would search in the depths of the hollows for a new place to call our home."

The Queen finished her lovers sentence after she rounded the corner and put a tray of tea on the table. And took a seat hext to her king.

Y/n: "Indeed"

As the group of girls took the tea while listening closely, they all took a sip.

Yang: "Wow, that really is some great stuff!"

Weiss: "I may even be better than the one my Buttler made"

Myrrah: "aww thank you, if you continue with these compliments I may blush."

Blake: "That really is a good tea Myrrah, but, uhm...how did you guys end up here?"

And so, he told the group about how the riftworm and corpser found a rift to this planet and how they started terraforming the area. Ruby decided to check her scroll only to see it was getting very late.

Ruby: "Ahh! It's almost past curfew!"

Weiss: "What! How can we not notice the time!"

Myrrah: "Hehe, well we are underground dear."

Y/n: "Now now, no need to panic girls. Why not rest here for tonight. You can inform ozpin your staying here for tonight."

Yang: "What?! Your gonna let us sleep here?"

Y/n: "Of course, what kind of host would I be if I wouldn't give my guest a place to rest. come, follow me"

He got up after explaining his case, and the 4 girls followed suit. After a few doors, they stopped in front of a room.

Y/n: "This is a guest room. If you need me or my queen, just walk down this hallway. There you find the Royal bedroom. Have a good night girls."

RWBY: "Good night, and thanks!"

The king waved the group of girls before disappearing into his own Bedroom where a Queen in nightgown waited for him.

Myrrah: "your very kind you know love?"

Y/n: "I can be if I want to...I just hope these girls won't have to see the other side of me."



Should there be a love interest apart from Myrrah?

Other than that, see ya in the next Act!!

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now