Chapter 25: Back together.

Start from the beginning

Raven: "Yes knowing my brother he should still be laying somewhere asleep from the previous nights drinking." Raven said a tad bit annoyed.

Y/n: "OK lets pack up and get our bikes. Vernal! You are in charge for the time being, while im gone no pillaging and no murdering." Y/n odered earning some fearful nods. The group split up and got the things they need, once they all were done they met back up at the middle of the camp. Weiss and Yang rode on Bumbleby and Y/n and Raven on Light-Mare, Raven took out her sword and swiped the air, a big black and red swirly portal opening up infront of them. Nodding towards Yang, Y/n slowly drove through, finding himself in the middle of a street, guessing that it is one of Mistrals. Unfortunately he didnt have much time to look around and admire the local architectur, because not a second after leaving Ravens portal, the blade of Harbringer came flying past his face. Acting on instinct Y/n used his prosthetic to hit the blade away, making it closly miss Raven shocked face. "Not the best way to say hello, Qrow." Y/n said with a deadpan expression as he looked at Qrow. The confusion and anger in the hunstmans eyes instantly peeking Y/ns interest.

Qrow: "Hawk? Why are you with her?" The last word was laced with venom.

Raven: "Good to see you too brother." She remarked sarcastically, earning a jab with Y/ns elbow to her stomach.

Y/n: "Dont poke the bee hive. Qrow she is with me, she will help me in the fight at Haven." Y/n explained.

Raven: "Thats true." She saw Qrow raise an eyebrow and sighed. "He managed to beat me and is therefore the new leader of the now named Jade tribe. He also convinced me on coming with him and helping him fight. Yang and I will also try to work things out." She added as Yang came to a stop next to Y/n.

Yang: "There are a few rules tho. One being that she only listens to Y/n. The other is no more secrets." Qrow looked at his niece and sighed.

Qrow: "Well this is probably the craziest thing Y/n did so far. Lets get back to Ruby and the others." He took a big swig from his flask and led the way up the many flight of stairs leading up to Haven Academy. Mid way Qrow decided to strike up some conversation. "So you decided to turn your back on becoming a huntsman and instead became a bandit?" He ask glancing over his shoulder at Y/n.

Y/n: "Oh of course, now I just want to get my other girlfriends and go back to killing the innocent, turns out it is quite fun if you get used to their pityful cries for mercy." Y/n said sarcastically rolling his eyes, Raven and Yang could only laugh at his antics. "Do you really think I planned on becoming the new leader of the Branwen tribe? I just wanted to get Raven on our side by beating her." Y/n explained.

Raven: "I wouldnt say you beat me. You destroyed me." Raven admitted making Qrow stop to turn and look at the rest of the group.

Qrow: "Wait. You?" he points at Y/n. "Beat her?" he pointed at Raven. "In a real fight, so badly in fact that she admits on getting destroyed by you?" Yang, Raven and Y/n all nodded simultaniously. "HOW?!"

Y/n: "Meh." he shrugged. "Turns out pride is one hell of a double edged sword." Qrow found no wisdom in Y/ns words and so he turned to Yang for answers.

Yang: "Sorry uncle Qrow I will not reveal that to you, but what I can tell you Y/n knocked mom out in a single hit."

Raven: "One very strong hit with a metal fist, turns out they hurt a lot more than normal fists." Y/n grew a smile and pointed at Weiss.

Y/n: "Told you." Weiss mumbled about never going to take a bet against Y/n ever again as she took out her wallet and handed Y/n 20 Lien. "Thank you." he smiled and pocketed his money.

Yang: "Wait when did you two make a bet and what was it about?" She asked confused not remembering when the two could have made that bet.

Y/n: "Back at Beacon before the Tournament, Weiss said that me punching with my prosthetic will never be better than someone elses punch with normal fists, so we made the bet that if I can get someone to admit that the punch from my prosthetic was stronger I will get 20 Lien." Y/n said. The rest of the walk was quiet and soon they stood in front of a big building.

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