Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Less than a week later, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore made the decision to allow Severus to leave the Hospital Wing. Both parties seemed to agree that keeping him there would only get on everyone's nerves.

And so it happened that Severus was on his way to the dungeons, his forearms still bandaged thinly, to finish his potion. It couldn't wait - his future with Lily was at stake.

However, when he creaked open the door to his brewing stronghold, a strange sight met his eyes. Regulus sat cross-legged on the desk and Remus - Remus - of all people was stirring in an ingredient.
"Can you pass me the Fluxweed, Regulus?"

"Certainly, Remus," the Slytherin said, hopping off the desk. He caught sight of the Ravenclaw in the doorway. "Oh hello Severus."
"Severus!" Remus exclaimed, turning his back on the cauldron and looking incredibly suspicious. "Madam Pomfrey let you see the sunlight then?"

He laughed at his own joke, since they were currently deep in the dungeons and Severus never saw the sun, even when he wasn't incapacitated. Nobody else joined in and he stopped.
"What are you up to?" Severus asked mildly.

"Well_" Regulus began but Remus interrupted him.
"We decided to finish your potion for you. You said it yourself that you would've finished it otherwise and it seems pretty important to you."
Then Remus paused, waiting for a response.

Severus hesitated for a moment. Then he said haltingly, in a bizarrely emotional voice:
"Thank you, you two. It does mean a lot."
"Wow," Remus gasped. "Gratitude from Severus Snape! Will wonders never cease?"

"Shut up, Lupin," Severus and Regulus snapped simultaneously and then smirked at each other.
Remus groaned.
"Oh no, now there are two of you!"
"More brains to befuddle you with," Severus grinned evilly.

But from that moment on, Regulus Black became their friend. There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and brewing an unnamed potion and plagiarising Little Red Riding Hood is one of them.


"Want to go outside, Severus?" Remus asked.
It was the afternoon before Lily was due to return and Severus' nerves were frayed.
"What's the alternative?" Severus smiled a crooked smile.
"Definitely a duel," Regulus grinned.
"You're on. Come on, a duel outside."

The day was pleasant enough with the expected buffeting Scottish winds biting if you didn't have the castle at your back. Severus squinted up at the sun and then looked at his friends.

"Who first? Regulus?"
"Oh, for sure," Remus said, relieved. "I'm way too much of a coward."
"You're never a coward, Remus," Severus murmured as he prepared to bow to Regulus.
"You sure about that?" The werewolf muttered, edging backwards as the duelling commenced and sparks began to fly.

Five minutes later, Severus and Regulus shook hands and joined Remus on the grass.
"I don't know how you do it," Remus said in shock.
"Want a go?" Severus asked mischievously, a twinkle in his eye.
"God, no," Remus said in horror. "I would be a puddle by the end. Or a pillar of salt."

"It helps that I don't say the spell out loud," Severus pointed out.
"True," Regulus agreed, face red. "Can you teach me that? I tried so hard but nothing happened."
"Non-verbal spellcasting is taught in our sixth year," replied Severus, unsure.

Both boys gave him similar looks.
"That's never stopped you," Regulus stated.
"And learning more can't hurt us, can it?" Remus questioned.
"I suppose not," Severus acquiesced. "But let's do it some other time. It's nice just sitting here."

"I never thought you were someone who would prefer a peaceful life, Severus," Remus smiled.
Severus tutted.
"I love silence, that's for sure."
And a content quietude ensued.


A.N. I'm hoping to update every other day from now on. Obviously this won't always be possible but please bear with me. I have school and exams and homework and sometimes I forget that Wattpad is the place where I should be. xD

There is a Philosopher Stone reference in here that some of you should get!!

Thank you for reading and please comment!! :)

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