"I was bored and had nothing to do, Yuki offered for me to come so I did." She said, crossing her legs.

I hummed under my breath and looked around, trying to start a conversation.

"Do you like reading?" I suddenly asked, looking at her. She looked at me for a moment before nodding.

"I love reading." She said, smiling a bit.

"I wondered if there were some books you'd like to look at, we have a whole library here." I offered, standing up and held out my hand, she blushed slightly before taking it. I felt an electric pulse shoot through me as her hand touched mine, it made me feel dizzy and lose all train of thought.

I gently pulled her up, unwilling to let go of her hand, however I did, much to my displeasure.

"Let's go." She said, almost excitedly. I smiled at her and led the way, opening the big oak door that led to, what I thought, was the best room in the whole dormitory.

"Welcome to the library." I said, turning around and walking backwards while she just stood and stared.

"It's very... overwhelming." She said with a laugh, her eyes lighting up at the sight of all the books around her.

"I agree, but you'll get use to it the more times you see it." I said, leaning on a shelf.

"More times?" She asked, confused.

"I'm sure it'd be alright if you were to come here a few times a week to read some of them." I said hesitatingly, waiting to see her reaction. She stepped closer to me, a smile etched on her face.

"Really?" She asked, almost thinking I was lying.


"Wow, thanks." She said nervously, taking a look at the books on the shelf. Taking care not to wrinkle any of the pages as she turned them over. I smiled at her and turned around.

All I heard next was her hissing in pain, muttering under her breath.

"Shit!" I heard her say, I spun around and the scent of blood hit me strongly. I breathed it in, finding something strange about it. That... That's not human blood...

Y/N is a-

"Is everything all right?" I heard a male say. Hanabusa.

"Hanabusa, everything's fine." I said, walking closer to Y/N, knowing what the vampires would try and do.

"I smell-" But he was interrupted by Ruka.

"Good afternoon, Dorm President Kuran." She said formally, glaring at Y/N.

The two vampires were slowly inching closer, closer to the scent, the smell, of blood.

"Ruka, Hanabusa, I think it'd be best if you leave." I said, staring hardly at them.

Knowing that they can't go against me, they nodded and turned around, shutting the door behind them.

Turning my back to it, I drew my attention to Y/N who was holding her finger in pain, the blood dripping.

"Are you alright?" I asked, going to her side. She nodded and hid her finger.

"It's just a drop of blood, I'll be fine." She assured me, but I wasn't giving in. Reaching down, I grabbed her hand and pulled it towards me. I saw the blood, it made my throat dry.

I can control my lust for blood, but Y/N's blood is something that I've occasionally wondered about. What would it taste like, sweet? My thinking about it doesn't help what I'm seeing.

"I'll put a band-aid over it." I said, putting down her hand and grabbing her wrist. She nodded and followed me out of the room towards the kitchen where we kept the blood tablets. The Night Class seemed to sense that I didn't want them near, so I was thankful for that.

I went over to a drawer and found the band-aids, two.

"Which color?" I asked with a smirk, holding them both out to her. One was black and the other was a pale orange color.

"Is that even a question?" She said, raising her eyebrows. I chuckled and put down the pale orange one and took out the black one. I took her over to the table and sat down, her next to me, I laid her hand on the table and gently wrapped the plaster around her finger.

"Thank you." She said, but then she started smiling at me, a wicked look in her eyes.

"Could you kiss it better?" She asked, the smirk growing on her lips, I think she was... flirting?

I looked into her eyes, seeing amusement but I wanted to mess with her. I picked up her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the plastered finger, I smiled at her and stood up. It rendered her speechless, a pinkish red hue forming on her cheeks.

2 hours later

It was obvious that Yuki and Zero weren't coming back but we were too involved in talking about our interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. I feel like I know her so much more now, it makes me want to know everything about her. After my discovery, I felt more connected to her.

I noticed that her eyes were drooping, on the brink of sleep. However, she wanted to keep on talking to me, not like I was complaining. But I didn't want her to lose sleep because of me.

"Y/N, I think you should go back to your dorm now." I advised her, standing up from the sofa we were on.

"That might be a good idea, I've obviously been forgotten about." She said with a laugh.

No one could forget her.

"I'll walk you." I stated.

"I'm guessing that's a fact, not a question?" She said, walking to the door.


We were walking towards the archway when she leant on my arm, her eyes closed.

"Would you like to rest?" I asked her, looking down to look at her beautiful (Y/C/E) eyes.

"Mm hm." She nodded tiredly, leaning on me more. She closed her eyes and her knees buckled, I caught her in my arms and smiled down at her sleeping state. Even in sleep, she looked stunning, peaceful.

I gently held her in my arms, bridal-style, I briskly walked to her dorm room, her face resting in my chest. Quietly, I snuck into the girls dorm house and went to her room, remembering she mentioned about it.

I opened the door, it groaned a little, I slipped inside and removed her cover from the bed, placing her in a comfortable position and covering her the blanket. Hearing a mumble from the other bed, Yuki, I turn back to Y/N and bent down towards her.

"Good night, Y/N."

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