🔪 #34 Villain attack 🔪

Beginne am Anfang

...With that you picked up your stuff whilst looking at your boyfriend signaling the "call me" sign you nodded and left a quick jog to your dorm accommodation you then went to your dorm you lugged your bag onto your bed thats when a hand slide around your throat

?"Now i dont want to he a bother but..."

Y"L-Let me G-!"

?"Ah ah no shouting or you'll disintegrate quicker than you can click your fingers"


T"Ah i feel honoured you know me"

Y"...H-How'd you b-break in-n"

The grip on your neck grew tighter

T"Now no need for questions come on back we go"


T"Do as i say or death-"


That is when Tomura called for his way out aka kurogiri they vanished whilst you dropped to the floor struggling for air katsu made sure Aizawa knew about the break in and took care of you.

That is when Tomura called for his way out aka kurogiri they vanished whilst you dropped to the floor struggling for air katsu made sure Aizawa knew about the break in and took care of you

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🔥❄Shoto todoroki🔥❄

Who attacked you?: Dabi

Well of course you happened to be out in the open whilst the day started turning to night and was pretty dark you were currently making your way through a shop finishing up your shopping not forgetting the Soba for your iced iced baby...

...So after paying you parted ways with the store and because it was so dark you wanted to get back to Shoto's and fast to you took a quicker route walking happily down the trail past many dark and spooky alleyways you got dragged by the hood of your coat and pushed up against a wall to you looked up and met the eyes of a well known villain... Dabi he had you trapped Dabi looked you up and down then smirked,

D"Well arent you a fine specimen, huh what brings a sexy mama down these bad and dangerous parts?"


D"Stuck on word doll face well you wont be when your screaming my name come back with me"

You were stunned what the heck were you supposed to do-

D"Poor little Shoto todoroki, he caught a shy one well after im done with you, you wont be so shy"

You shook your head in a "no" motion

D"Doll it wasnt an option it was an orde-"

Suddenly Dabi let you go while you slide down the brick wall the burnt villain took off without a hesitation not normal for him but someone helped you up ... your knight in shining armour Todo saved you and took you in.

 your knight in shining armour Todo saved you and took you in

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~¡!Bnha boyfriend scenarios!¡~ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt