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It's Halloween, so here is a special one-shot set when Renee was a child. Also I will be making adjustments to my previous one-shots at the end of Shining Stars, as well as possible adjustments to old chapters throughout my series. But enough about that, let's get right into the special.

Nikki's P.O.V:

NIKKI: "I told you already, she'll be just fine. She's with her friends y'know?"

BRANDON: "I know she's with her friends but she's our daughter. Which means that she is your daughter, the daughter of famous singer Nikki Roberts. And I will not let anyone do anything to her."

NIKKI: "Oh, you worry too much."

BRANDON: "She's only 10! Of course I'm worried, our only child is out there on Halloween night. What if she gets robbed?"

NIKKI: "She won't get robbed, those lessons in karate will pay off."

BRANDON: "You got robbed on Halloween."

NIKKI: "Yeah, but I got Chucky Reynolds back the next year when I gave him a bucket full of worms."

BRANDON: "And then he shows up again on our band's trip to Miami, and he broke the left eye of Maxwe- That...That doesn't matter anymore..."

NIKKI: "Come on, it's Halloween night Brandon. Remember all the fun we've had over the years on this day?"

BRANDON: "You say 'fun', but my biggest memory of Halloween was the dance in 9th grade."

NIKKI: "Oh no... Don't remind me."

BRANDON: "How you had to be in three places at once."

NIKKI: "No..."

BRANDON: "How you wore three different costumes."

NIKKI: "Stop..."

BRANDON: "Juliet, a trash bag and a rat costume-"

NIKKI: "SILENCE!!! And for your information, it was a mouse costume. Big difference."

BRANDON: "I know, I'm only playing around with you. Look how red you're blushing!"

NIKKI: "Stop it... But hey, before the dance was over. When Mackenzie accused me of ruining everything... You came to me, you're the one who cheered me up that night. And I knew from that moment onwards, that I was in love with you."

BRANDON: "I'm glad that my bad Mickey Mouse impression cheered you up. That night I truly fell in love with you when I saw you dressed as Juliet. And to this very day, I still do."

NIKKI: "Thank you, that's so sweet... I don't need candy after that."

BRANDON: "Are you sure? We still have a full bowl."

NIKKI: "Hmmm... I wonder why no Trick-Or-Treaters have knocked on our door?"

BRANDON: "Yeah, it's not like I...Uh oh."

NIKKI: "What's wrong?"

BRANDON: "I forgot to disable the security system."

NIKKI: "Oh that dang security system, y'know one day it will probably trap us in this mansion."

BRANDON: "I doubt that. But seriously... I need to disable that electric fence."

NIKKI: "That's...That's probably a good idea."

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