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Renée's P.O.V:

So we all assembled at the meeting facility where Mr. Chase was waiting for us.

MR. CHASE: "Hi there contestants, I'm sorry to cut into your free time like this but I would like to bring up an important subject at hand."

DANIEL: "*Whisper* What could he want Ren?"

RENÉE: "*whisper* I have no idea..."

MR. CHASE: "One thing that is important in life is justice. And justice must be served after the horrendous acts that took place two days ago. Two of our contestants were victims to a tampered lighting rig. So... Who did it?"

The room fell silent...

MR. CHASE: "Okay fine, does anyone have any recommendations as to how we find the culprit?"

RENÉE: "I...uh...guess...we could hold some sort of...trial?"

MR. CHASE: "A trial? What kind of trial?"

RENÉE: "I guess that we could all gather around and find out who did it. Then whoever's responsible will be disqualified from the contest."

MR. CHASE: "That sounds like an interesting idea Renée, but how would you know who the culprit is?"

DANIEL: "Everyone should be given some time to investigate the scene, I presume that it has been left untouched?"

MR. CHASE: "Correct, the training facilities are locked at nighttime."

RENÉE: "But what if the one responsible isn't found out?"

DANIEL: "Then maybe we should all be responsible for that..."

MR. CHASE: "Kids you've given this old man a lot of ideas. We could even televise this!"

RENÉE: "Televise?"

MR. CHASE: "You have no idea how many people are interested in this kinda thing. Ever seen the television ratings for the presidential debates?"

RENÉE: "I guess that I have..."

MR. CHASE: "Well kids, happy hunting. I'll call for you all to meet me back here when your time is up."

DANIEL: "What do we call this? A camp trial?"

MR. CHASE: "Sure Daniel. That's a brilliant name."

So before the day even started I was preparing to have a nice relaxing day with my BFFs.

But now it's become a Camp trial day...

Oh no...

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