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Maxwell's P.O.V:

What have I just agreed to?

I'm signing my freaking death warrant here.

Sure I want to watch Daniel sing. Who wouldn't? But it's the whole staying in a hotel part with the families of the other contestants part that I have a severe problem with.

You're probably thinking 'Yeah sure thing, you said that you were antisocial so it's understandable.' but no, that's not it.

I wasn't antisocial after my time at South Ridge middle school, that place transformed me into my former self.

I was charismatic, bold, knowledgeable, even rich (for the wrong reasons...) But after I had been rebuilt by my friends at South Ridge, I was walking into a damn tragedy that would make Shakespeare himself proud.

That tragedy was my time at Westchester Middle School.

I was offered the chance to earn a scholarship to Westchester High if I worked as well as I did during the student exchange program.

But I was walking into disaster, on my first day by coincidence. I met her...

...Nikki Maxwell.

I had met other girls before, I even had a crush on my friend Erin at some point but Nikki... Nikki was different. She was the most beautiful, smart, funny and kind girl that I had ever met.

I made it my mission to become her boyfriend, to protect her from those who may harm her. I even tried to make a certain someone back off from her.

But he was persistent, I saw him as nothing more than an egotistical narcissist. But again I was wrong.

Because I had accepted Nikki's invitation to the Final Dance, but HE came storming right through the door without a ticket. He frantically took to the stage and said

"Ever since I first saw you, I've been in love with you. All I have ever wanted is you, you are my entire world."

And a whole recap of the moments that they spent together.

Me being as noble as I was. I offered Nikki the choice between me and the other guy.

She chose the other guy.

And they have been together ever since, I guess that's what true love is.

But at what cost?

I was invited to Miami to spend an all expenses paid vacation with them.

How fun it was, it was great. That was until Nikki got cornered by a former enemy and me and other guy came to her rescue. Nikki was thrown off of the pier and other guy jumped off of it to save her. This left me alone to fight 6 guys, this put me in a coma and I lost my left eye in the process.

But hey look at the hero who saved Nikki! All praise be to the virtue of Brandon Roberts.

There, I said his name.

Or is that his real name? No, I don't think so.

Because after I woke up from my coma I entered the Student of Stars tournament. I was eventually eliminated by Nikki Maxwell herself.

But she was sabotaged in the finals. All evidence pointed towards Brandon and I acted without thinking twice.

He thought that I did it, so we came to blows. None of that air punching fake stuff. REAL PUNCHES!

We tore eachother apart, but we then saw Nikki crying over us. She was being consoled by the psychopath that had set both of us up.

André Davenport.

He had his own little plan. I decided that there was only room for one of us (me or Brandon) in Westchester. So I left the city, I went into training to become the best field agent the FBI had ever seen.

I had no idea that the Branikki duo had ran away. Or the fact that André Davenport was behind bars.

I trained harder and harder for 3 years.

I realized that my dream of becoming a father was fading fast. So I volunteered for a new top secret experiment that was to create a child from only one parent.

It was a wide success, Daniel was created.

I have him the name Daniel from my former name of Dante.

That has probably just confused you entirely, because 'Hey I thought that your name was Maxwell?!'

Not my birth name.

I was born into a Mafia family in Westchester. My father Alessandro Nero was the most sadistic criminal to ever roam the streets. I was being raised to become just like him.

He even wanted me to kill a son of a French Diplomat. But i spared his life.

That boy was Robert Artois.

Who would later become Brandon Roberts.

Funny, how that one small decision caused me so much trouble.

I spared him, he told the cops about my father killing his parents. The police raid my family's hideout, I get shot but survived.

Then I was no longer 'The Antichrist of Westchester' (because I was technically the son of the freaking Westchester devil himself) I had been given the chance to inherit my family's wealth and start a new as

Maxwell Negrini.

That's the story of my life so far. Just one tragic event that moves into another.

And if I meet Nikki and Brandon again, I could be walking into more and more tragic moments.

Or... I could fix everything.

Doesn't that sound like the right thing to do?

But would they accept me?

Probably not...

Only time will tell during this contest.

And now my son is friends with Renée Roberts... I hope that he doesn't have to go through what I went through with her parents.

Yet again... Only time will tell.

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