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Daniel's P.O.V:

This contest really is great! And what makes it so amazing is that I get to sing on the same stage as Renée.

Ever since I met her... I have been in love with her. She means everything to me and I can't wait until this contest is over.

Because then our relationship will be official. I don't know for how long I can keep this last name Sherman. But if me and Renée were to marry some day...

I want us both to share the name Negrini.

Because that's what I want my last name to be. I want to sing on that stage not as Daniel Sherman... But as Daniel Negrini.

However... That will never be. Because Dad is some kind of field agent for the FBI and he doesn't want to attract unwanted attention to me. That's why I must use the last name 'Sherman'.

Still, even so... I just hope that Renée will accept me for who I truly am. And if she did... That would make me the happiest guy alive. It would make me more happy than winning this contest.

I love Renée. More than anything...


Hold up... That sounds like...


I ran down the halls and grabbed the nearest guy I could find.

DANIEL: "Where is Renée's dressing room?!"

GUY: "Why? Are you some kind of pe-"


GUY: "Down this hall, first door to your right."

DANIEL: "Thanks!"

I ran as fast as I could and I kicked that door down.

Someone wearing some kind of... Mask. Decided to lay their hands on Renée?!

I balled up every single part of suppressed anger that I have felt in my life and I balled it all up into a fist of rage.

I charged the masked assailant and knocked him out in a single punch.

RENÉE: "Dani?!"

DANIEL: "It's okay Renée, you're safe now. What did this punk do to you?!"

RENÉE: "It's bad... They took a pair of scissors and they... THEY HAVE RUINED MY HAIR!"

DANIEL: "Don't worry... I'm sure that it can't be tha-"

RENÉE: "You hate it!"

DANIEL: "I could never hate it. Renée... Because I... I... I lo-"

MEGAN: "Look at this hideous monstrosity of a haircut!"

RENÉE: *Cries*

Renée ran out of her dressing room with tears in her eyes.

DANIEL: "Megan Clarke... You're the most heartless witch that I have ever met!"

MEGAN: "Now is not the time for flattery, you better see who is underneath that mask."

DANIEL: "You knew about this?!"

MEGAN: "Not until like... 5 minutes ago? Someone entered my dressing room and they wanted to know where Renée's was so..."


MEGAN: "Like... Yeah?!"

DANIEL: "You airhead! Didn't you hear about what happened to Elias?! Renée could have been seriously hurt!"

MEGAN: "So what?"

DANIEL: "GRRRRRR You are just lucky that I don't hit girls... Because I would never stoop so low!"

MEGAN: "Oh really? Then take a look under that mask."

DANIEL: "Huh?"

I took the mask off of the masked assailant and... I'm speechless...

DANIEL: "Mary Rose Mendoza?!"

T.C: "What is all this commotion about?!"

MEGAN: "Oh sir I'm so glad you're here it's terrible! Daniel just assaulted Mary Rose!"

T.C: "Daniel... Is this true?"

DANIEL: "Well I... Kinda... Did punch her... But she was wearing a mask! She cut Renée:s hair!"

T.C: "Even so... Males putting their hands on females... It has no place in a contest like this."

DANIEL: "Sir...please..."

T.C: "I hereby DISQUALIFY you... I'm sorry but there is nothing that I can do."

DANIEL: "D-Dis-Qualified?!"

T.C: "I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. I will assign a team of security to make sure that you leave the vicinity of the dome."

DANIEL: "...So... This is your idea of justice?"

T.C: "Excuse me?"


T.C: "Like I said Daniel... I'm really sorry. While you're at it could you do me a small errand and say hi to your father for me? It's been so long since we last met."


T.C: "I was only trying to be nice Daniel, there is no need to be so rational. Besides I have an important meeting to attend to right now, so I will end this interval and make my way there. Don't worry, I will be back in time to present the award to either Renée or Megan here."

MEGAN: "Don't worry sir I won't let you down!"

T.C: "Thank you Megan. Now I shall return soon. Once again I am deeply sorry Daniel."

DANIEL: "Stick your contest where the sun doesn't shine."

T.C: "Okay... Now you're just being offensive. SECURITY!"

MEGAN: "How dare he use such language towards a television legend like you Mr. Chase. I hope that you have a great meeting and I look forward to the award ceremony."

T.C: "Thank you Megan. See Daniel, this is what sportsmanship looks like! I have you this opportunity and you throw it back in my face. I expected better from you..."

I gritted my teeth and hung my head in defeat. I shamefully walked out of the building.

Please win this contest Renée...


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