Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face

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Yang: "Whats the plan?" she asked, hoping to get some clearity.

Y/n: "Raven believes in the survival of the fittest, she wont follow anyone that is weaker than her, so all we need to do I beat her. " Y/n said while walking back and forth. "No beating her wont be enough, we need to show her that she is weak and that we are strong. But how?" he went back into thinking. Yang got up from her seat and pat him on his shoulder, shaking him out of his thinking.

Yang: "We can think of a way once we are finished with the grimm." she suggested as the duo left their room. Once they left the village they started combing through the forest, searching and eliminating grimm left and right. That was until they came across something strange. In the middle of a clearing stood a gaint black rock. Yang was about to walk closer to have a closer look at it as Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her back. The force behind the pull and the suddeness nearly caused her to fall. "Hey what gives?" she asked angrily.

Y/n: "You were about to walk closer to a strange looking, shiny, black rock in the middle of a forest we know is filled with grimm." he said as he pulled out one of his pistols and took aim at the rock. He fired off a single shot which seemingly sunk into the 'rock' as if it were made out of clay. "Strange." Y/n said before looking towards Yang and jerking his head towards the rock. Yang knew what he wanted her to do and fired off a shot from her shotgun, making a piece of the clay like substance blast off. The two watched closely as the 'rock' started moving, revealing a grimm neither of them has ever seen before.

 The two watched closely as the 'rock' started moving, revealing a grimm neither of them has ever seen before

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It was nearly twice as high as Y/n and probably weight atleast a ton. It stared at the two huntsmen-in-training before growling as his arm changed into a blade.

Y/n: "Well shit." Was all Y/n said befor the two engaged the new grimm. Yang cocked her fist back ready to strike the grimm but she quickly used her prosthetics gun to rocket her away from the grimms blade. She quickly used the opening to strike the grimm, but she found her arm sink into the clay like body. The grimm tried to grab her with his normal hand, as she tried to free her arm from his body. She nearly was grabbed as the entire arm was cut of by Y/n who appeared next to her and helped her free herself, they got out of range of the now clearly angry grimm and watched in shocked awe as the severed arm reattached itself to the grimm. "Ok it is made out of clay, can harden its arms into weapons and it seems to be able to heal itself." Y/n summarized as they dodged the grimms attacks.

Yang: "We could really need one of your plans here Y/N!" She shouted as she ducked under a giant blade that was aimed for her head. She retaliated with a shotgun blast to its face, which caused it to howl in anger as it took a step back. Y/n noticed that and quickly started thinking about the info he got out of the exchange. After a few seconds he got an idea.

Y/n: "Give it another shot to the face!" Yang looked at him, smirked and quickly blasted herself towards the grimm, throwing a heavy right hook towards the grimms mask. A loud crack echoed through the forest as the grimm slid back a few meters. Yang came to Y/ns side as the two prepared for the next stage of the fight. "Its mask is solid and I believe so are the shards on its shoulders. So we have to aim for the head. I will get its attention and you knock it dead." Yang smirked and cocked her weapons. Turning into a hawk, Y/n flew towards the grimm, starting to peck at its face. This annoyed the grimm to the point of it wildly swinging at Y/n. Slowly but surely Y/n baited it towards the treeline until after a strong slash the grimm found its arm stuck in a thick tree. Y/n shrieked in his bird form, signalling Yang to attack. With a smile she propelled herself towards the stuck grimm, she soared through the air and with a devestating uppercut, strengthend by a shot of her shotgun, the grimms head was knocked off its neck. Y/n turned back into a human and watched the rest of the grimms body dissapate into smoke. He gave a deadpan look towards Yang who blew away the smoke of her weapon and shot him a wink. "Next time you play the bait." he joked before looking at the tree the grimms blade was stuck in. It was atleast 60 centimeters thick and the blade went through it entirely. "Good thing that the grimm seemed to be lacking intelligence." Y/n said before clutching his stomach in pain, a small grunt escaping him. Yang was by his side in an instant looking him up an down, searching for the origin of the pain, but she couldnt find anything.

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