Boxing Day

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As I packed my things to go, I smiled, a fresh start. I honestly can't wait, no more of these remorse, hell bent brothers, new identity, new life. Their family will be safe and so shall I.

As I pulled the handles on my back suitcase, I dragged it out my door, and to the living area. Everyone was gathered to see me go, Wateru and Emma were honestly upset and would miss me, possibly Z and Yusuke too. Not too sure. Mixed signals and all.

Saying a quick goodbye was the easy part, starting afresh could be difficult. He was waiting in the elevator.

"You ready to go?" He asked, glancing at me, whilst still on the phone, I only smiled and nodded.
As the elevator got to the ground floor and opened, I felt a quick breeze rush through as the doors pulled themselves open. With the cold air against my bare cheeks, I pulled my scalf up.

"Good idea Angela, the press will want to eat this story up for dinner, best conceal your face." He smiled over to me, just texting now. He lurched into action, strolling carelessly passed the reporters and newsagents, all trying to ask questions and get pictures, he wasted no time but to dismiss them and get me into the black limo. He threw my luggage in the boot, and hopped in with me, leaving the press in the dust,

"So Angela, looking forward to having a fresh start?" He asked, putting his phone inside a hidden pocket in his expensive jacket.

I nodded, I just didn't know what to say.
"That's good."

The car ride was longer than I thought, must be going far from the Asahinas. Far from the Asahinas?

Owisawa was on another business call and offered me a juice bottle and a small packet of crisps.

Nibbling on a crisp I looked out the tinted windows, traveling at a walking pace, stuck in traffic, I wasn't sure, it was difficult to see through the window.

Taking the last sip, I looked at Owisawa and he was chatting away on the phone again, he gave me a small thumbs up and a little nod, I pressed the window button to my right and the window came down smoothly, I popped my head out and looked up and down the busy road, cars all bumper to bumper practically. 

The window rolled back up and I rested my head against the window, holding myself there, I let myself drift into a gentle sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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