Two Days Left

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*Asahina Vacation Resort*

As we ran into the infirmary, the nurse pushed us into the waiting room, me, Natsume, Ukyo and Kaname all worried sick, no one had informed us on the condition of the boys. I spoke to a Nurse and she pulled me to the side and frowned.

"I'm sorry Dr Asahina, we cant let you in the room, there's a lot of blood and you have a tendency you faint every time-"

"How are they?" I cut her off, anxiously she shook her head. "Azusa has already passed as he was in the passengers seat and that's the side the other car hit."

I crouch to the floor, tears whelming in my eyes, I brushed them and stood up to find out about the other 3.

"Tsubaki was in drivers seat and not in as bad condition, Iori is undergoing resuscitation, blood keeps filling up his lungs as he and Azusa endured the worst, Fuuto is still unconscious but other than a few scrapes going to make a full recovery." The nurse said before was called off.

I trudged back to an anxious looking Natsume who was pacing when he saw me. "Its Azusa isn't it?!" He sobbed into my shoulder, we dropped slowly to the marble floor, I held him helplessly.

Kanames eyes filled with tears, and joined in, Ukyo tried staying professional, pushing his feelings aside and offered coffee from the vending machine. He left. I explained what the Nurse said, Kaname, sat emotionally next to me on the seats. He was mumbling prairs for Ioris futile recovery. 

"Masaomi Asahina?' A Doctor called, I rose to my name.

"You may see Fuuto and Tsubaki now, although both unconscious, Tsubaki should wake up soon." Natsume rose to this and walked down the corridor to his room.

"How's Iori?" Kaname rose.

"Hard to say, his condition is critical but stable, they're operating on him now." He said, Kanames eyes lit up and went to see Fuuto.

"How's the defendant who crashed?" Ukyo appeared out of no where.

"We think it was a suicide attempt because the man died instantly." The police said standing next to the Doctor.

"Mr Asahina. Do you have any enemies that would try to take the life of one of your brothers?" The police asked.

"Both Fuuto and Iori are well known, Fuuto is a teen idle popstar and Iori an honour student, both Tsubaki and Azusa were voice actors..." Ukyo started.

He looked at me before taking the police to a private room.

"Dr Drew! Come quick!" A Nurse came out, apron covered in blood. Iori's blood...


*Back at Sunrise Residence*

"Hey Angela?" The tall blonde asked the small girl.

"Yes Z?" She looked up at me.

"What was it like? I mean living with all the boys?" I asked, I know its probably stressful.

"..." She looked down, saying nothing. "Its OK." She mumbled.

"Oh come on, you can tell me." I pulled her in to me.

"Ukyo is making it his mision to make my life a living hell." She muttered quietly.

"What did you do to deserve that?! Did you step on his cat!?" I laughed out loud, she sniffled suddenly.

"Sorry! I didnt mean to upset you!!" I frantically tried.

"I didn't step on his cat, I killed his step dad." She sobbed.

"Oh sweetheart..." I started.

"I killed Raintoro Asahina!" She cried. Tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks and onto her lap.

"What happened at the hospital that night wasn't your fault.." Shit, I wasn't meant to say that...

"How'd you know! You weren't there..!" She abruptly looked up, wiping her tears. 

"It was you, wasn't it! You killed him!!" Angela screached, "All this pain and suffering all for it not to be my fault?!" She shouted hysterically.

"A-Angela, it wasn't like that..." I tried, I wasn't the one who shot him.

"Who was it then?!" She sobbed once again cutting my off.

"Another assassin, we both were assigned, but I turned at last moment, so he took it..." I said.

"....all this has to do with is money?! About how much you get paid?!" She stood 

"Get out!! Vermin! Its all your fault!" She shouted hitting me as hard as her little muscles would allow

"Please! Angela!" I tried.

"I never want to see you again! Murderer!"

'Murderer?' 'Me?'

I pulled out a hand gun out of its holster and stood right in front of her and aimed it right at her forehead. "Angela, a murderer would have fired this at the hospital that day, a murderer would have fire it already. I'm Not. A murderer." I stated. I placed the hand gun on the coffee table and left for the elevator without another word.

She can pick that up if she wants and avenge Raintoro bu- *click* she's pulled the cock handle back, probably aimed it at my back too. 

I froze.

I waited.


I slowly turned.

She was holding it both hands around trigger, I walked right up to her, she was shaking, I stood so close the risen guns muzzel was in the middle of my chest. Set to blow a hole straight through me.

"Up to you kid. But I'm on your side."

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