Five Days Left

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I looked up from a few hours kip and the TV had turned off, I glanced over to the television remote and sighed, I couldn't reach it and I was already comfortable as well. I leaned over to the remote, my little arms stretched as far as I could reach. Suddenly, the elevator doors started to ping, someone or something was in the elevator lift.

I leapt up from the couch and jumped over the sofa, dropping the blanket which I held so tightly a second ago, dropped, the cushion I was holding also dropped and dashed for the bedrooms, I could hide in someone's room.

I quickly glanced around for a split second before instead making a break for the kitchen I hid behind Ukyo's kitchen counter as I saw a masked figure take a quick leap/sprint out of the elevator, he took one glance at the temp bed sofa and the blankets on the floor and strolled quickly towards the bed rooms.

I quickly glanced around the kitchen for anything to help me. Knives, big ones. I took one for defence and looked at the fridge. A post-stick note on the gleaming pearl white surface.

Ukyo had scribbled mostly all of the brothers numbers out on it but someone had written on the back as well.

07**** *****, Z will help with Anything -Yusuke

Z? Anything?

I scoped out the area and the figure had went into one of the open rooms, I ran into the living room, grabbed my new cell and sprinted to the stairs.

I pushed the buttons into the cell as I jumped down the stairs.
*ring ring* *ring ring* *ring ring-*

?:Hello Zillion here?
A: Its Yusuke Asahina's little sister, he told me to-
Z: Hey Angela what's up?
A: There's a man in the flat, I don't know-
Z: Want me to come over and check it out?
A: Yes please.
*Call Ended*

She seemed nice but in a hurry. I got to the bottom floor and opened the back door. It had been broken in. I ran out to the front gate and a tall figure appeared.

"You must be Angela. I'm Zillion but you can call me Z. I'm a friend of Yusuke Asahina. I've heard a lot about you." The figure smiled, she had long golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Where did you last see this person?" Her facial expression changed into a serious, work face.

I opened the gate for her and pointed to the living room window.

"Don't worry." She smiled like a little kid before patting me on the head and striding quickly towards the blocks.

3rd Person POV
As the masked figure inspected one of the rooms, he had pulled out a pistol. He was going to fire it between the little girls temple, he thought himself merciful. Such a quick and painful death. Not like... He grinned at his deadly thought.

His grin disappeared when he realized she wasn't in this room. He returned to the living room disappointed in his failure to find and eliminate his target.

Meanwhile, the elevator started to ping as it moved upwards, carrying the tall blonde figure -that Angela had only met moments ago through a Sticky Note and a phone call aways help.

The moment tall blonde girl stepped through the doors, he saw her. Not his target but an obstacle.

His newly acquired target looked like fun, the leather jacket showed muscular arms and so did her tight, skinny jeans. She pulled her hands up to do her hair.

When she pulled her hands up to the back of her head, he thought she way tying her hair up. But in reality, she had spotted him hiding in the dark room behind the couch and she was actually slowly pulling out a small pocket-size knife from within her sleeves.


The small pocket knife, flew towards the man and skimmed his cheek, leaking red liquid. He had retracted too slowly.

'That evil bitch. She's going to die.' He thought smugly to himself about her death and how he was going to make her grovel at his feet.

Suddenly, his evil, malicious thoughts were interrupted by something or someone pushing him to the floor by an enormously painful weight. He glanced over his shoulder to the chick sitting on the arm of the couch...
...which was on top of him.

The man beneath struggled and wormed about but he couldn't move.

"You know. I used to be an assassin. But do you know why I quit?" The girls words were like icy like the Arctic. Cold and Dangerous.

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he shook his head.

"I didn't." She whispered, dryly in his ear as she pulled out to his neck.

Just then, the elevator doors started to ping. Someone was coming up!

She jumped off him to check the window to see if Angela was still outside.

The short, podgy man mustered all the strength in his arms and pushed himself up flipping the couch and legging it down to the stairs.

This all happened under the cover of a smoke grenade he ignited in case she was to stop him.

The elevator doors opened to little Angela, she was soaked through to the bone in her blue pyjamas.

She glanced around to see Z looking out the window at the rain dripping down from above.

"Are you okay?" She asked finally, breaking the almost deadly silence.

The little girl looked up at her and tried to smile but only managed half. Her teeth chattered.

"Let's fix you a hot choco." She smiled warmly at her as she turned towards the kitchen.

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