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When I woke up, I felt the presence of two others. One younger and one older male human.

The younger was behind me, snoozing quietly. Probably Wateru.

The older smelt of alchohol and was on the couch near the door, silent. Asleep or not, still quiet.

I snuck out of bed and saw my suspicion was correct, it was Wateru.

As for the older male, it was Natsume? Wow.

I snuck out the room and shut the quietly behind me, I quickly sped down stairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat but was stopped by Ukyo.

"And where do you think you're going?" He glared.

"Can I please get something to eat Ukyo?" I asked politely.

"No." He spun on his heel and strutted off into the kitchen again.

"Ukyo, can I go for a run please?" I asked following him into the kitchen.


"Thank you!" I smiled sweetly.

'I think he may me warming up to me...?!'

As I jogged through the morning streets, I noticed Wateru's Teacher jogging as well.

"Good morning Sensei-Kata." I smiled.

"Good morning Angela, up early?" She smiled back as we jogged through a park.

I stopped and peered into the park.

The little park was being flooded by the rain. I didn't even notice the rain.

The Sensei stood next to me and peered into the park.

"What you looking at??" She asked me.

"Looking at things I was never allowed." I smiled sadly as I sat on a near by bench with a climb roof.

"When I was little I never was allowed to go to the park and socialise with children my age." I said sadly.

"Angela. I know it must be hard for you. Moving into a new family of 13 brothers and a sister. But you must make the most of what you've got. Some children you're age are a lot more unfortunate than you. Some children don't even have any one to love them." She sighed.

She was right. I should be making the most of my life. Not regretting. Not looking at the past. I should be moving on!

"Thank you Sensei-Kata! I really must go though!" I said quickly before running back home.

I was going to make them love me! I was going to get all the confidence I can and speak to them all.

It wasn't my fault he killed him. It wasn't. I just have to think positively!

I put on a grin and saw the gate unlocked. I ran up to the front door but it was locked.

I was about to press the buzzer but was abruptly knocked off the door step by the door swinging and slamming in my face.

An angry Subaru didn't even notice me and stormed past.

I quickly grabbed the door and slid in.

I made my way up to my room quickly and shut the door behind me.

Natsume and Wateru were both gone. What time is it?

I looked over to my alarm clock and it was about lunch time.

I ignored my growling stomach and proceeded to think of ways of how I could make it up to all 13 brothers, Ema and Miwa. 

I wanted too. I needed too.

*3 Hours Later* 

After I finished making all fourteen gifts, I had to think of what to get Miwa. It's hard to think of what a mourning wife would want from her potential killer.

I know!

The gifts didn't seem too out of the blue. After I check the calander. The day didn't surprise me...

It's a week til Christmas!!!

They probably thought it was an early Christmas Present.

As it turns out because they're family's massive, they don't really celebrate Christmas.

But I'm cool with that. As long as they get them and understand I mean no harm. I'm fine with it.

I got them each a small key ring:

Masaomi a lolly pop.

Ukyo a frying pan.

Kaname a Buddist symbol. 

Hikaru a wine glass.

Tsubaki the white half of a yin-yang symbol.

Azusa the black half of a yin-yang symbol.

Natsume two white cats, that resembled those of his own.

Louis a comb.

Subaru a basket ball.

Iori a cross.

Yusuke a plain chain.

Fuuto a microphone.

Wateru a kitty.

And finally Ema I got her the number 13 to resemble her 13 brothers.

As for Miwa I got her a picture of Raintoro. 

I do hope they all like them all. I thought they could put them on their room keys.

Brothers Conflict: AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now