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As I ran through the streets, I looked around to find a small corner shop that had a sweet deal on white rice. Cool.

As I walked into the shop, I brought the rice, but when the shop lady saw me she quickly rushed over to me.

"Are you okay my child?" She asked me concerned, looking at the crimson red mark on cheek and my pale shivering arms.

"Yes ma'am I'm quite all right I assure you. I just came in here to buy some white rice.

She nodded before moving back round the counter to scan the rice.

I paid before leaving with the sense that I was being followed.

As I took a short cut through an alley way, my path was then blocked by a scummy gang.

"Excuse me please." I asked of them sweetly.

They looked at me confused to why I wasn't afraid of them, even if some were holding knifes and pistols.

"Get her boys. This pretty face could sell for a dime." A stranger's voice said from behind me.

I slid between the gangs men feet and sprinted down the alley way and saw the road to Sunrise Residents.

As I approached the gate, a furious red headed lady, left in a huff.

"Oh my my. Are you okay? You look flushed." The red head asked concerned.

"Yes thank you." I replied sweetly.

"If my brothers give any trouble. Give me a call and I'll sort them out." She winked and gave her card.

Hikaru Asahina.

"Are you a cross dresser?" I asked.

"How could you tell?" He frowned.

"The card. Ukyo said they only have one sister and that's Ema." I stated like a detective.

"Clever girl." He praised as he ruffled my hair.

As I got up to the kitchen, Ukyo wasn't there so I left the bag on the table counter and left before he came back.

As I threw myself on my bed for a few seconds before walking into the bathroom and looking at myself in my reflection.

As I threw myself on my bed for a few seconds before walking into the bathroom and looking at myself in my reflection

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'I just don't think I can live like this...'

*Knock!* *Knock!* I heard some loud obnoxious knocks on my door, I wiped my eyes from my pathetic out burst and rushed to the door.

I opened it to an angry Subaru.

"Why would you let Natsume do that?!" He yelled in my face, I backed up onto my bed and he followed, slamming the door and raising his voice

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"Why would you let Natsume do that?!" He yelled in my face, I backed up onto my bed and he followed, slamming the door and raising his voice.

"Why?" He looked at me questioningly.

"Because..." I didn't really want to finish, nor get on the bad side of Ukyo..

"Ukyo is trying to turf you out. He wants you to go. But that's not how Raintoro would have wanted it..." He finished quietly.

I didn't want to ruin the moment with words, so I kept quiet until he was finished.

"Why would you let Natsume sexually harass you, why didn't you tell Ema. You just saved his hind." He frowned, facing me again.

"Ukyo..." I really didn't want to finish as I didn't want to snake and get Karma back in the butt.

"He told Natsume to do away with you didn't he." He said almost sorry for me.

I nodded quietly.

"Just stay out of his way. And ignore most of the brothers, as they are just getting over it. I know it wasn't you. It wasn't your fault." He stated before leaving towards the door.

"By the way. Don't answer the door after 11 tonight." He said shutting it behind him.

'Does this mean he cares? Why did he say after 11 tonight? What's happening tonight?'

"Tsumori!! Come here right now!" I heard a extremely angry Ukyo shout for the kitchen.

Brothers Conflict: AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now