Seven Days Left

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I woke up to Ema bursting in my room.
"Angela! I just wanted to tell you before we leave, there's meals in the fridge for a week and snacks incase your hungry." She smiled brightly.

'W-What?' I looked at her confused but nodded slowly.

"Oh? You didn't know? The whole family's going away for Christmas. I wanted you to come with but..." She looked away.

"Nobody wanted me too." I said reading her mind, she nodded and headed for the door. She waved before closing the door behind her.

I think she means well...She doesn't mean to make me feel like an outsider or a home-wreaker. I don't think she means it.

But it feels like not one brother likes me. No one has spoken to me. Nobody looks at me. Notices me. They all pretend I don't exist.

The only ones who watches me. He watches me because he's waiting for an excuse to do something about me. Either it be punch me, slap me, kick me, starve me or even throw me out he is just looking for one tiny mistake. And that's just it. He flips. He turns into someone else.

The moment I step I millimeter out of line, everyone leaves the room. They don't want to know how Ukyo deals with me. Only the ones who stay are those who want to see it happen to me. They either are here to support him or me. But almost every time they stay for him. If I try to fight back, they'll come back in for reinforcements.

I never win and I probably never will.

That's my life. But this week... Will be the best week of my life!! A whole five story terrace all to myself!! Yes!

This gives me a chance to wrap all the presents I got them all and put them under the tree for when they come back.

I was so happy I quickly got changed and ran into the kitchen. Empty! Yes! No bossy Ukyo! No rules! Just me and the whole apartment block!

I was about to start celebrating when I heard some notice coming from the living room, there was a loud conversation going on.

I walked in on Iori, Kaname arguing with Yusuke.

"We can't leave her by herself, would you leave Wateru by himself?!" He asked them angrily.

"No..." Kaname finally said after a few seconds of silence from Iori.

"She's perfectly fine here by herself and anyway she's used to it." Iori said leaving it at that and heading for the elevator, I quickly flew under the counter in the kitchen and hid after I heard that him and Kaname left I came out to see Yusuke.

He was still frustrated and angry so he pulled hard on his long red hair. He turned on his heel and looked at me concerned.

"You going to be okay?" He asked me looking worried like Ema did. I nodded.

He nodded to himself before grabbing a small rectangular box neatly wrapped, he held it out for me and I took it from his hands cautiously.

"Its an early Christmas present for you. I think you need it this week more than later."

I curiously ripped the wrapping paper off as quick as my little fingers could find the tape bit.

When I got it off it was a small new phone box. I opened it to a shiny new phone.

"Thank you Yusuke so much!!" I squealed and hugged him tightly at first he had his hands above but her then put them down around me.

It felt warm and fuzzy, it was actually quite comfortable. Until it was ruined when I heard sniggering from behind.

"Yusuke's got a girlfriend! Bwaahahahahha!!" The light raven haired pop star smirked before bursting out in laughter.

"Sorry Yusuke." I said before sitting on the couch with my new phone and started to set it up.

"See you in a week Angela, phone us if theres any problems. If we don't pick up I left you a good friends number on the fridge. She'll come to help you with whatever the problem, trust me." He smirked before setting the suitcase wheels off and picking it up and walking out.


"Shut it Fuuto!"

"Hahah-" the elevator door closed them both off.

The tower was quiet and peaceful without all the boys here.

I sighed before turning on the living room television and falling asleep with my phone on the side coffee table.

It was so comfortable and quiet I hope it doesn't change. Ever...

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