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As Wateru lightly dipped a clean white face-towel in some cold water, he hummed a small little tune.

'du da da daa da da da dada'

"What are you humming?" I asked him before he put the wet towel on my fore head.

"Masaomi told me, when I'm scared, worried or frightened, to hum. It keeps the bad away." He smiled as he put it on my forehead.

"I'll come check on you later." He smiled before hopping out the room humming.

I took it off and looked to my alarm clock, ten to 11PM.

I wonder what Subaru was talking about, something to do at 11..?

Oh well, I've got too much of a head ache to care, I rolled over silently.

*Subaru POV*

"I hope she listened, Yusuke." I frowned at him.

"And if she doesn't." Iori asked walking past, worrying me and Yusuke further.

"She has Natsume's old room." Yusuke told me.

"And that's why we're not letting him in." I told him reassuring him. 

"Why are you two still up." Fuuto smirked walking into the lobby.

"It's Natsume." I frowned.

"What's up with Natsume?" He asked, Yusuke nodded for the go ahead for me to tell.

"Natsume's been coming here weekend night drunk to his old bedroom around 11." I told Fuuto.

It took Fuuto a few seconds to see.

"So, why don't you just tell him." He suggested looking slightly confused.

"We were going to, until we overheard Natsume and Angela's conversation. He said that Ukyo had given him the privilege to do what he wanted -to her." I frowned and sighed.

"So... You think Natsume's going to 'do something' to her? Tonight." He asked, frowning.

"Yes, that's why we're waiting here to stop him." Yusuke said.

"Crud." Fuuto cussed.

"What?" I asked frowning.

"He just walked past us and into the elevator!" Fuuto shouted as the elevator doors shut. He sat down and buried his head.

Me and Yusuke sprinted across the hallway and leapt up the stairs to the next floor.

We saw Angela's door wide open.

We crept in and saw Natsume just collapsing on the couch, opposite her bed which she was in fast asleep.

"What do we do?!" I whispered loudly.

"I don't know! I didn't think he'd make it this far!" He whispered even louder.

"How about you *hiccup* tw get out." Natsume said drowsily in-between hiccups.

We looked at each other before leaving and shutting the door.

"That was a waste of time." Yusuke yawned.

"But at least we know Natsume is neutral and not going to do anything to her." I smiled but he frowned.

"How exactly do we know that?" He rose an eyebrow.

I looked at the door and heard nothing but silence.

"I'm sure everything's going to be okay." I stated.

"Oh well. I've got to get some beauty sleep-" Gesturing to his face, "This doesn't just happen over night." The brown wavy hair pop idle smirked as he strolled down the hall to his room.

Yusuke yawned.

"Well at least that's one more brother we don't have to worry about." He sighed.

"Why are you two standing outside Angela's door?" A sleepy pink haired Wateru yawned from behind us.

I was about to explain but he opened her door and pushed his head in the door and whispered. "Angela? Can I sleep with you tonight?"

We heard a small muffled voice say something and Wateru slid in and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, 100% Guarantee she is safe." He yawned before retreating to his bedroom.

I strolled peacefully into the kitchen to get a drink but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw mom and Ukyo fighting.

"I don't care what I said before! I can't let this continue! As a responsible adult, I cannot let this continue." She was shouting but then quieted down.

"Mother. Leave her to me. I was so close to getting rid of her. Just deal with Yusuke and Wateru and its done." Ukyo said evilly, I've never, ever seen this side of him before.

"It's not how Raintoro would have wanted it." She said quietly.


Mom backed away from Ukyo holding her cheek.

My eyes engulfed in flames, "How dare you!" I strode over to him and punched his cheek, sending him to the floor.

"Don't hit women!" I shouted at him, I held mom in for a hug and she cried silently in my arms.

"Its all that's girls fault, she's the reason our family has turned against each other." He hissed holding his swollen cheek.

He ran past me and into the hallway.

"Are you okay Mom?" I asked the shaking woman in my arms, I pulled back to check her cheek, only slightly red.

"I'm fine." She smiled painfully.


"But go check on Angela, darling. I think Ukyo might do something." She suggested.

"Don't worry, Natsume's on the couch in there and Wateru's in the bed with her." I smiled.

She was about to say something but...

Brothers Conflict: AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now