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I stood at the gates, of the weird looking building.

Oh well, I'm not going in there. I said to myself as I walked away from the gates. Just then in the court yard of the orphanage I saw little children playing and having fun. A cold, hard tear fell down my cheek as I watched them play, I never had fun.

As I was about to go, a little boy in the court yard looked over my way and waved, I slightly raised my hand as a gesture but then the man from yesterday walked over as he waved. He wasn't waving at me, it was never me. I was completely ignored, I shrugged it off as I started to walk off.

Just then, the man from yesterday turned around and  tapped me on the shoulder, took my hand and led me through the gates.

I sat in the waiting area as the man attempted to get information out of me, something about a record? I told him nothing. A few minutes later nothing. Hours? Nothing. He took me to a doctor and had me looked over. Nothing. I wouldn't say anything. I couldn't.

Brothers Conflict: AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now