Three Days Left

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*Vacation -Asahina Beach Resort*

"Wateru dont go in the water just yet, wait for a few more minutes before going back in the pool." The tall brown haired doctor told the impatient boy. He pouted before sitting on a chair and playing on his game.

"You're far to protective of him Masaomi." Ukyo smirked patting him on the back. Masaomi smiled weakly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Anyway have you seen Azusa? Or Tsubaki for that matter??" He asked the blonde haired lawyer, he shrugged just as a those boy's triplet walked in.

He wasn't on his phone, it surprised him. "Hey Natsume? You seen Azusa or Tsubaki today at all?" I asked, hoping their triplet may know.

"Nope, last I saw them was a couple hours ago, they were in the car with Iori and Fuuto heading somewhere." He said before his phone started ringing, he waved before leaving.

"Masa-Nii? Can I go in with Yusuke and Ema now?" The little pink haired boy asked tugging on his arm.

"Hm? Oh yes Wateru, keep out the deep end though." He smiled as Wateru made his way into the pool to join Ema and Yusuke in the middle bit of the pool.

"When are we getting back? I dont think I can deal with Fuuto and Yusuke getting into another argument. It's getting annoying." A sudden voice came from behind asked, he turned to see two of his brothers, Kaname the blonde monk and the long crimson haired cross dresser, Hikaru.

"Yeah, them two will bite each others heads off soon." Hikaru scoffed.

"We are only here till Christmas, we cant leave 'her' alone for too long." Masaomi answered, when he mentioned 'her' the boys mood changed dramatically, they were now all in bad moods.

Ukyo scowled at Masaomi for mentioning her name, Kaname frowned and Hikaru walked out to answer his sudden phone call.

"You guys are unbelievable! He didn't even mention her name and you guys instantly resent her. You cant put the blame all on her! She's a month younger than Wateru!!" Ema said storming off soaking wet from the pool, Yusuke and Wateru tailed her out the door.

"Have you seen Louie since he stormed off?" Ukyo asked Kaname who was still frowning, he shook his head.

"He went back to France yesterday, I drove him to the air port-" Masaomi started but was cut off by Ukyo.

"She's tearing this family appart." Ukyo had said. Masaomi and Kaname nodded quietly to themselves, they looked about the quiet deserted family pool.

"We could send her back to the orphanage?" Kaname suggested.

"We could always ki-"

"Guys! Come quick! There's been an car accident!" Natsume burst through the pool's doors, he was drenched in sweat. "The boys are in the car."

Angela POV

"Y-You're an assassin?!" My eyes widened as my brain processed this new information.

"Yes, a well more of a bounty hunter, however, I have limits unlike them, I dont kill without reason, I will do everything non-sacrificial to me to not have to kill bystanders." She explained.

But I was confused even more, a bounty hunter went to school? Preposterous. Absolutely ridiculous.

"W-Why. Why did you go to school then?" I asked fearing for the worst.

She looked out the window and put her empty cup down, she took a deep breathe.

"It's not as bad as you think I swear." She sighed and looked me in the eye.


"As the fire bell sounded in my ears I sprinted down the stairs to the music corridor and towards the front office area, everyone was already evacuated so the front desk was empty.

I smiled, knowing what was to come next, the fire alarm cut out at dead two o'clock, a large white SUV Van pulled up outside in the parking lot. I made my way outside to fight the men and women that were to come out and attack me, usual trainin, they came to kidnap one of the many presigious students that attended this high school. 

I smirked as the side doors slid open. My smile dropped as I peered into the half empty van.

No living thing inside, soon to be no living creature of thing outside too if it were to go off."

Angel gasped. "A bomb?" She asked, I nodded. "You disarmed it though didn't you?" She smiled believing that I could be so cool.

I sadly shook my head and continued. "I took one look at the detanator and sprinted straight back to the front office, I unfortunatey didn't make it as far though, the detanator was already at 00:00:03 when I was facing it, so I covered my head and hit the deck. It went off and exploded, my senses were blurry but I quickly recovered. The explosion wasn't as bad as I thought, although my back was severely sindged.

I had expected far worse than an injury, so I got back up and igored the pain. I went to the office and to the phone.

I called up my employer.

"What on earth was that?!" I shouted into the phone.

There was no answer for the first couple of seconds, it gave me time to collect myself.

"We didn't expect you to survive." A deep computerised voice told me.

"Well I did. Not what?" I asked. Waiting for a reply.

"You are the only one out of your 36 companions to pass. Others were killed in the explosion or many trials before hand." He congradulated me.

"Okay. But now what?" I asked and cringed touching my burning back.

"Come back to HQ. Get into the red furari. It will take you to me. There I will give you a proper assignment. You can finally begin your work as an assassin."

I grimanced as I slid a random jacket I found over my back and grinned while gritting my teeth. Finally, I can become an assassin. But this could be another test...

I shook my head. 2 years of training has to be enough.

The red furari pulled up and I looked at the driver. A man around 20 years of age with a huge grin turned up and nodded at me.

I couldn't help but smile innocently at how redicolous he looked with those black shades looked.

"This might be fun" I told her as I ended the story.

She looked up at me and nodded. I smiled. Such an innocent little girl. Such a shame she is on my hit list.

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