Not again. . .

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As I strolled through the town centre, I saw a sketchy man standing outside an alleyway, he seemed to be looking in my direction. Oh well, I thought as I continued on my way to the park.

Ukyo told me that Damian and Jessica wanted to meet me at the park, they wanted to 'hang out' with me. But from what they told me, Ukyo's paying them to be horrible to me. On the other hand they said they'd only pretend, so they might just actually want to hang out with me.

I smiled at the thought -Friends.

When I got there both were on the swings, pretty high up, they smiled and signalled for me to come over.

"Hey Angela." Damian smiled at me.

"Hey." I beamed happily.

"Come on the swing next to me!" Jessica smiled and gestured for me to get on the one next to her.

I cautiously looked at the seat, after a quick inspection, I decided it was okay for me to sit on, as I swung high, I felt something I hadn't felt in quite a while.


But it was all destroyed in one minute.

"Oi! You're meant to be bullying her you maggots!!" I heard a rich snobby voice scoff behind me.

I turned around, still swinging high, to see the brown haired famous popstar, Fuuto Asahina. 

Damian jumped off and walked over to him.

"We can't bully her." He stated bluntly.

"Excuse me!?" He scoffed, amazed he was back chatting him.

"Why don't you it yourself. We can't do it. Angela has been nothing but sweet, kind and just wants to be loved!" He said sticking up for me. I think.

"Yeah!" Jessica said jumping off and joining Damien's side.

"Please don't fight." I whispered quietly as I slid off the swing, I walked over and stood behind both Jess and Damien.

"Angela! We're going." He shouted my name and called me to go.

I skulked over, with my head down I followed him home.

We got to the gate but he stopped and glared at me.

"I really despise who play the innocent card. The act like they've done nothing wrong and yet-"


The Iori's plant pot smashed, a small shiny thing was on the floor next to it.

"Get down!" I pushed Fuuto behind the wall as another bullet hit the floor.

"What the heck?!" He started to freak out.

"Fuuto, someone's shooting at us. Get down." I whispered.

He nodded and flipped out his phone and texting rapidly.

"Ukyo's shutting the gate. I'm calling the police." He said, more calmly than a few seconds ago.

The bullets stopped and silence filled the streets.

"I think they're gone." I said getting up.

"They're on their way, lets stay where we are just in case-"


"I agree!" I ducked down as the bullet missed my ear by a few inches!

A few seconds later the police turned up.

Fuuto made me go up stairs in the house as he spoke to the police.

"You okay Angela?!" Ema came rushing over.

"Yes. I believe Fuuto is also okay as well."  I stated non-emotionally.

I sat on the sofa and looked through the window.

I looked across the building to a block of apartments, one terrace door was wide open and high enough to snipe from, a tall figure was standing there.

It felt like they were looking straight into my soul. It frightened me. They had the similar to someone I have seen before. I cant place my finger on it. 

Just then, an angry Fuuto barged into the room.

"Are you okay Fuuto?" Ema rushed over to him to check him.

"Yes, but I would have been anyway if she wasn't here!" He yelled, pointing in my direction.

"The police suspect it was the same guy that shot Raintoro, they used the same engraved bullets. T.F."

"That's my families brand of bullets. T.F Stands for Tsumori Family." I told him.

He glared but nodded.

Ukyo stormed over and whispered to me. "So how long are you really going to stay now? We are all in danger if you are with us."

He wanted me to leave. He made a very convincing case. I almost was bout to leave fore Ema and Wateru's sake, but then I thought about it.

Nope. I have nothing. I don't know I can possibly find the lighter side.

"Ema...I think I'm going to go." I said walking over to her.


"If I stay that man could kill all of you. He is clearly a well trained assassin. He won't be able to rest until I commit suicide." I stated before running to my room, just before I left I saw the figure gone from the terrace.

" I stated before running to my room, just before I left I saw the figure gone from the terrace

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