"Thanks for the help."

They looked at me and smiled slightly, nodding as the honey blonde one spoke up. "If you survive, maybe we can all have proper introductions."

I scoffed and hooked my legs onto the line. "If? When I survive, we'll definitely have proper introductions."

The guys chuckled and I sent a last smile before shuffling across the line. We were so high off the ground, I didn't even realize it until I looked down. I kept telling myself not to but it's kind of hard when you're literally hanging on to dear life by a thread.

My hands got clammy as I peeked down at the ground below me. We were at least six thousand feet in the air.

A flock of birds flew past, making me jump a little and almost let go of the rope. I took a deep breath and continued to shuffle slowly, arms and legs wrapped tightly around the rope.

I sighed and reached my arm out to pull myself further when the rope suddenly shook, causing me to lose my grip. I tried to grab quickly but I was too late and my hands missed the rope.

But my legs didn't.

I was literally hanging at least six thousand feet in the air by nothing but my legs. I sighed in relief as I realized I wasn't falling to my death but the moment was short-lived as I realized the parachute on the front of my body was now falling to the city grounds.


I glanced at the Sidemen helicopter and saw all of them watching me with anxiety. I waved at them, showing them I was ok.

I swiftly yanked myself up and shuffled the rest of the way across the rope. I gripped the leg of the helicopter and pulled myself up into the back compartment.

I quickly leaned over the edge and unhooked the grapple, waving the Sidemen off. I quickly stand on my feet and turn around, seeing four men in total on the helicopter, including Delirious and Harold.

Harold and one of his two goons are at the controls, another is at the back of the helicopter, setting up a camera.

Right in the middle was Jonathan, zip-tied to a chair yet again.

His eyes quickly darted to me and widened. Before I could take another step, the wretched voice of Harold spoke up. "Ah, Y/n! How nice of you to join us!"

I turned to him, trying to think of ways to get out of this situation. I only had one parachute now and Jon was tied up.

Harold chuckled and slipped a classic Rebel mask over his face as he snapped his fingers. The man behind the camera pushed a button and gave a thumbs up.

I quickly turn away, not having my mask, but luckily, Jon had his.

"Alpha, hun, we're live now, all over Los Santos."

I heard an echo and I peeked over the edge, realizing that all the screens in Los Santos were now taken over by this broadcast.

"Your too late honey." Harold stepped towards Delirious and I stepped forward as well, still trying to block my face from the camera.

"Don't touch him."

Harold chuckled and turned to the camera. "This, this is your 3rd ranked gang leader? Someone so stupid as to fall in love with the member of a rival gang?"

"That's none of their business." I cut in, stopping him.

"Alpha, dear, we had a deal."

"And you didn't hold up your end, obviously." I motioned towards Jon.

Harold just shakes his head. "Oh honey, he isn't leaving alive, and you know that."

Harold paused and turned back to the camera. "I'm sure you all know who this is!" He motions to Jon again.

"But if not, this is H2O Delirious, member of the Vanoss Crew, also known as the Banana Bus Squad. The number 1 gang in Los Santos. And this here?" He motions towards me.

"As I've already said, is Alpha, the leader of the Pack, the 3rd ranked gang in Los Santos. And they seem to have forgotten gang rule number one. Never get attached, especially to a member of a different gang."

He turned back to me now, and from the look in his eyes, he meant business. "Now Alpha, on your way over, you seem to have dropped a parachute that was meant for little Delly over here."

I remained quiet, not knowing what Harold was thinking. He stepped toward Jon again and placed a hand on the back of his chair, gluing me to my spot.

"Now that's really unfortunate. For Delirious here at least. Now there's no way he's getting out alive, so let's just settle it, shall we?" He immediately leaned the chair back a little, about to drop Delirious to his death.

"NO!" I yelled, quickly stopping the ordeal.

"Oh darling, you know you aren't strong enough to save him, why try?"

An idea suddenly popped into my head. I slid my hand in my pocket, feeling a pocket knife that I nipped from a guard. I glance at Del and he gives me a knowing look.

"I may not be strong enough to save both of us, but he is." Harold tilts his head in confusion as I turn my attention to Jon.

"You trust me?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. He simply smirks. "As much as you trust me."

I smiled and nodded. "Then let's do this."

I swiftly unclamped the parachute from around my chest and threw it to Jon. Delirious secures it between his legs and throws himself back, falling out the aircraft, still tied to the chair.

I quickly run and dive after him, leaving a shocked Harold and cameraman in the helicopter, completely bewildered.

I contract myself, holding my arms and legs together to fall faster.

Once I was close enough to Delirious, I grabbed the chair, hooking my feet on the legs. I quickly drew the pocket knife and cut through the zip-ties on his wrists. Then I reached down and cut the ties on his ankles as he put the parachute on.

Once those were cut, I kick the chair away as Del finished securing the parachute.

After he did that, he quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, my arms and legs wrapping around him. As soon as we were in this position, he pulled the string and deployed the parachute.

The force immediately slowed us down and I held onto him tightly, feeling gravity yank at me.

When the pressure finally calmed down, I took a much needed breath and rested my head on Jon's shoulder, feeling relief wash over me.

We were both ok.

I looked up and saw a still taken-aback Harold, staring down at us for a few seconds before cursing loudly and flying away.

I smirked and lifted my head to look at Jon, who was already looking at me.

"You ok?" He asks.

I smile and peck the check of his mask. "Better than ever."

He gives me a squeeze and I know he's smiling.

I hear sirens and immediately know the police are watching. I scramble to grab the radio from my waist, quickly calling for Mini. "Mini, the cops are on their way!"

"Oh don't worry, you'll get out of there in time." I didn't respond, instead, I looked at where we were heading.

If we continued on this same trajectory, we'd land on a tall building. That's when I noticed the helicopter on the building next to where we were landing.

The Sidemen to our aid yet again.

I just chuckled and relaxed, knowing we were in good hands.

Sudden worry washed through me.

'What is Evan gonna do when we get back?'

'What is everyone else thinking about all of this?'

'What's gonna happen to me and Jonathan?'

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