Chapter 19

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Evie's POV

"W-what?" I ask, the realisation hitting me like a truck.

Their faces stay bright as they repeat the news.

"You're pregnant!" Bianca yells, crushing me in a hug. My heart nearly stops.

I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby inside me.

"You're so lucky! I've always wanted kids." Bi whines.

"Luna, remember to take it easy. Werewolves aren't pregnant as long as humans. Human's are pregnant for around 9 months, as we are only pregnant for around 5.  Drink lots of fluids, and don't shift after the 2nd or 3rd month. I'll have you come in for weekly check-ups to make sure the pups growing fine." The docter rambled, but I wasn't really paying attention.

Brax and me have never really talked about having pups. I guess the subject just never came up.

It's really no surprise that I'm pregnant. While the she-wolves have their heat, they are almoat 10x more likely to get pregnant.

I force a smile, and stand up.

"I have to get going. I'll see you guys around."

"Remember the weekly check-ups!" The docter calls after me, so I give her a thumbs and continue walking until I'm out the doors. The pregnancy stick in hand. Let's hope this is a better birthday present.
After I got home, I got in my car and drove to a little shop.

Inside, I got stuff to make cookies, because what better way to break the news than with cookies, and a little gift box for the test.

I drove home, and hid the box with the pregnancy test in the guest room.

Meaning that it's our birthday in two days, I have a little time to process the information.

I run my hand over my stomach, and feel a little bump that wasn't there a week ago. She was right, it doesn't take long for the pup to start growing.

I'm putting the groceries away when I feel arms wrap aroumd my waist, and I'm pulled into a hard chest.

I feel the sparks, and immediately I lean into his touch.

"I missed you..." He mumbles, and I resist the urge to laugh.

"I saw you a few hours ago." I tell him as he burries his nose in my neck amd kisses my mark. I shudder.

"Your point?" He grumbles, and I can't hold the laugh in anymore.

I can basically see the frown on his face.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I missed you too." I smile, and then think back to the docters visit. My smile fades away.

What if I'm not fit to be a mother? What if something happens to the baby? Or me? I know loosing your mate is one of the worst pains imaginable for a werewolf.

I don't want to put Brax through that.

"It's our birthday soon" He says, and puts in chin on the top of my head.

"Yeah...two days" Until I tell you I'm pregnant. Thank god he can't read my mind, we can only talk to each other.

"What do you wanna do?" He asks, and I shrug.

"Have a party at the packhouse then come home?" I ask, and he smiles.

"Sounds good to me."

I'm currently helping the pack set up decorations for our birthday tommorow. Really I'm not setting up decorations, I'm making the cookies. I don't know how he's going to react. If he'll be upset, or ecstatic.

They didn't want me to have to help, but since I insisted they let me. So here I am, baking an extra large batch of cookies. Then an smaller one for when I break the news.

I hear footsteps approach, so I turn an look. Thankfully it's not Braxton. It's Bianca.

"Hey Bi.." I mumble, sliding the last trey of cookie dow into the oven. After I'm done, I wipe imaginary sweat off of my forehead and smirk at my friend.

"Have you told him yet?" She whisper yells. I raise a brow at her.

"Not yet. Why are you whispering?" I roll my eyes at her shocked face.

"Why haven't you told him?" She asks, completely ignoring my question.

"I don't know how he'll react, you know? I'm just...scared I guess." I mumble, looking down at my hands covered in flour and cookie dow.

"Oh Eves, if I know my brother at all, and I think I do, he'll be very happy." She says, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"I hope you're right." I sigh, and take the cookies out as the oven beeps. Jesus, it's already been ten minutes.

She gives me a sympathetic smile, and walks out of the kitchen, calling "I'm always right" over her shoulder. I roll my eyes.

I really hope she's right.


Only a few chapters left guys! I can't believe it's almost over! Should I do a sequel? Or just an epilogue?

Leave suggestions!

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