Chapter 11

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Braxton's bedroom--^

Evie's P.O.V

I take a couple deep breaths, and walk out of the guest room and to the top of the staircase.

I can see Braxton at the bottem of the stairs, along with the rest if the pack. And believe me, there are nore people then my old pack, it looks to be almost doubled.

Tucker starts talking about the history of this pack, and who has ruled before us. But, way too quickly, he says my name.

"Let me introduce, the next queen of the werewolves, Genevieve Ottis." He says, and My heart starts hammering against my chest.

I look towards Brax, who gives me a warm smile and slowly walk down the stairs, making sure I don't trip over the fabric of this dress.

After getting down the stairs, and standing next to Braxton, everyone starts cheering.

"You look beautiful." Braxton whispers, and my neck heats up.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I whisper back, thankful for having long hair to hide my blush.


After the ceremony, I changed into a pair of fuzzy pj pants, and a grey t-shirt. Then Brax and me went to the gardens and sat in the peaceful silence, bathing in the moonlight.

But of course, the silence couldn't last. And I somehow managed to break it.

"So...what now?" I ask him, looking up at the full moon. My heat is coming soon.

"Whatever you want I guess. But we should probably get to bed." He says standing up. He holds out his hand and I gladly take it, loving the sparks where our hands touch.

We walk hand-in-hand to his bedroom door. I hesitate. Is it to early? For normal people yes, but we aren't normal. Well no shit, but-

I didn't get to finish my rambling before he opened the door and pulled me inside. The inside was massave.

The whole room was themed, the colors all greys or tans.

It has a king sized bed to the far right wall, a stand at the edge of the bed, a stand on the side of the bed, and a big window overlooking the pack lands. With little chairs sitting next to it. Then, there were two black doors opposite of the bed, which I assume are the bathroom and walk-in closet. But the room didn't look touched in a while, nor did it have that strong of a scent from him.

"Do you like it?" He asks, in which I nod. Way better than my bedroom.

"This isn't where I usually stay. I have my own house, a little ways away from the pack house. I wanted privacy, for my mate and I. But then, if I never found her, I just would've moved back." He says, smiling a little. I return it.

After a few moments, I ask,

"Can I take a shower?" He immediately nods.

"The second door" He tells me, and I thank him and walk to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I turn the shower on, strip out of my dirty clothes, and step in. Letting the water cascade down my back, and allowing it to clean me off. I sigh in contentment.

If only mate was in here with us. Milini purrs. I roll my eyes at her foolish thoughts. Yeah, not happening.

Yet. She smirks.

Can't argue there, I agree and starts washing my hair with his shampoo. Well, now I'll smell like him.

I finish washing up, and get out of the hot shower and into the cold air. I yelp and snatch the fluffy towel that just so happens to be sitting right next to the shower. I also notice a pair of my underwear, a bra, and one of his big t-shirts sitting right under it. He snuck in here!

Sneaky bastard! I am so going to kill him!

Grumbling, I put on the clothes aggressively and stomp out of the bathroom, to notice him not even in the room. He was thinking ahead.

Rolling my eyes, I stalk towards the bed, and crawl under the soft covers, not very long after, I allow the sleep to consume me.


I'm awoken by the bed dipping and his scent surrounding me. I sofly smile.

He pulls me to his chest, and soflty kisses my forehead. I lean in to his touch, and slowly drift off again. But not before hearing I can't believe I found you.


Yeah yeah, this chapter is short but the next one will be longer. I pinky promise. *holds out pinky*

Did y'all like it? Any suggestions? Is my story good so far?

Please, if there are any mistakes, please comment so I can fix them!

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