Chapter 10

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Evie's P.O.V

I stayed right where I was when he popped his head back up to get air. He looked panicked, so I swam under the waterfall, and swam to where he was.

I smirked.

"The big bad alpha couldn't find me" I cooed and swam away from him on my back.

He growled and swam towards me. When he caught up, he grabbed my waist and pulled me flush againsts him.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." I shook my head as he growled again.

"I was just under the waterfall" I smiled innocently, tilting my head. His eyes found my lips as I smiled.

Just then did I realize how intimate we had beem. Somehow, my legs were wrapped around his waist, his hands were under my thighs, holding me up. And our faces were barely an inch apart.


I could see him inching his head closer until we were a breath apart, and then, as lightly as a feather, he brushed his lips on mine, causing butterflies in my stomache, and shocks to run over my whole body.

I sigh in content, but nerves take over my body again.

"Aren't we moving too fast? I mean, people usually don't kiss someone they just met."

He laughs.

"Babe, my parents were fully mated the night they met. Plus, you'll be getting your heat soon." I blink a few times, ignoring the last part.

"Really? That's way too soon to be mated." You could tell he was a little disappointed by my answer, but he doesn't say anything about it.

"Mmhm. Then they had me at 17." My eyes widen, 17? That's way to early to have pups.


He laughs once again.

"We should probably head back, the ceremony is tonight." He tells me, and my jaw hangs open.

"Tonight? I just got here and your already introducing me to your pack?! What the hell!" I hop out of the water, and stomp awat angrily. Who does he think he is? Isint that supposed to be my decision to make?

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it through. I thought you'd be ready!" He calls after me, even thoigh I'm bolting through the tree's. Even as a human I'm fast.

It's nit long before I'm tackled to the ground by a giant black wolf known as Braxton.

I manage to get all cut, so I let out a few curses when I fall to the ground.

"What the fuck! Get off!" I yell, trying to shove him off of me.

He shifts back, and holds my wrists above my head, successfully punning me down.

I let out a growl and glare at him.

"Come on, I said I was sorry. You can't stay mad at me." He coos, tracing my jaw with the pointer finger of his open hand.

I know I can't stay mad at him. He's too sexy.

Shut up Milini! Now is not the time!

I sigh, and stop struggling

"Fine, just got off of me. Your heavy." I tease, and he stands up. Pulling me with him.

"I'm not heavy!" He scoffs, and takes my hand and interlocks our fingers.

"Yeah, okay." I sass, and begin walking with him, stupid water runningxdown my legs from my soacked clothes.


I had to call Jack and Bianca to help me get ready for the ceremony to introduce me to the pack, meaning that Brax had to do paperwork, and actually run the that pack. Well, I was lonely too.

Jack didn't even know I left, so when I told her she flipped. I've never seen her so mad.

Anyways, Bianca, Jack and I became quick friends. That's why I called then to help me.

Bianca came with the dress I was wearing, which was in a bag, she said that it was hers but she never wore it. And that I'll look better in it.

Jack did my makeup, which was all nude shades, other than my lips and eyelashes. My lips were dark red.

"You are going to kill it!" Bianca says, while curling my hair. Jack nods in agreement after she finishes up my makeup.

I just have my hair is loose waves, which fall down my back. Hopefully it matches the style.of the dress.

"Okay done!" They both sqeal and grab my dress, and shove it in my hands. They run off and slam the quest bedroom door closed.

I wince and take the dress out of the bag. My eyes widen, this ones even prettier than the one I wore to the ball.

The bodice of it is nude, besides the wing-like red fabric that covers my chest. Then it eventually fades into black in the way to the floor. It is gorgeous.

I carefully slip it on and put on my black flats to go with it. I don't look to bad.

I open the door, and their jaws drop.

"You look so pretty, my brother is going to look like a fool standing next to you." She jokes, fake pouting.

"You really do, but I have to go" Jack says while giving me a hug, and running down the stairs to leave.

"I wasn't going through your stuff or anything, but I found this." Bianca says, holding up the diamond necklace my mom gave to me.

"Oh, I forgot I had that in there"

"Well here, turn around. It will look great with the dress." She says, and I obey.

She clasps the necklace, and folders her arms over her teal dress. She has natural makeup, and her hair is up and out of her face.

"Thanks" I smile, and Bianco goes through what I'm supposed to do.

I have to stand at the top of the staircase, while Brax stands at the bottem where everyone else is. Then, once Tucker, Braxton's beta, announces my name, I go down the stairs and stand by Brax. Doesn't sound to hard right?


"I'll be waiting down there by Brax, okay? Don't be nervous." She says, and gives me a hug.

I take a deep breath and nod as she walks away. I can do this.


Woah, I'm on a roll! Heres2 yet anither chapter!

Hope you enjoyed!

Should I start making my chapters longer? I mean, they're all over 1,000 words but is that too short?

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