Chapter 9

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Evie's P.O.V

I don't know how long we stand there for, but eventually breaking apart.

"I was scared." I whisper, looking down. He grabs my hand and brings me to one of the couches in his office.

"I didn't want a mate. I wanted to be free." He growls, but I can barely hear it.

"But after our dance, that changed. It was weird, the sparks, the forean feelings. But I liked it, then was actually starting to like the idea of having a mate. But then you took of your mask, and those thoughts turned into panic. I didn't think that I could be queen, meaning that your supposed to be king once you found me. So I ran, I was hoping that I'd me gone long enough so you could find someone that would fit the queen role, but then I was found and brought home." I pause amd look at him, to find that he was already looking at me. His eyes darker than they were that night. He also looks tired, still better than me though. I didn't get any sleep the past two nights.

"On the way home, I had time to think. Would it really be so bad? Being tied down I mean? I would still be able to run, I would just have extra responsibilities. Too bad that when I realized that, it was too late."

"Too late?" He furrows his eye- brows.

"Yes, too late. Because now... You probably won't want me, and I completely understand, I mean-" He cuts me off my putting a finger to my lips.

"I would never reject you. You could do anything in the world and I wouldn't be able too." He smiles at me, before removing his finger from my lips.

I just sit there, processing everything. So, he isn't going to reject me..

"What do we do now?" I ask, barely above a whisper.

"Well, we could do what most mates do, but I don't think your ready for that so how about a tour?" He asks, gazing at my lups before returing his stare to my eyes. Blush rises up my neck.

"Sure" I breath, as he locks our fingers together as he stands up. I follow suit.

"Wait, I still don't even know your name." I smile. My wolf purrs at the sound of his voice.

"Genevieve. But everyone calls me Evie."

"Well Evie, or my little mate, where should we go first?" I shrug, and he leads me down a set of stairs where some pack members are sitting.

"Who's this?" A girl around 17 or 18 asks. She has the same colored hair as Braxton, but with hazel eyes instead of green ones.

Instantly, he pulls me to his chest and her eyes light up.

"Evie, this is Bianca my sister, and Bianca this is Evie. My mate" His sister, now I know as Bianca sqeals and rushes up to me. Pulling me out of my mates arms and into her own.

"I never thought he'd find you! Where have you been hiding all this time!" She sqeals, before someone pulls me out of her arms. Feeling the sparks, I instantly know it's Braxton. 

She pouts.

"Why are you hogging her? I just got to meet her!" She yells, stomping off. The other people, who I assume are her firends cast apologetic looks towards us, bow their heads, and scurry off to find Bianca.

"I'm sorry, she tends to be a little....dramatic at times." He sighs, running a hand down his face, before grabbing my hand again.

He leads me to the ballroom, a library, the kitchen, the guest bedrooms, the pack bedrooms, his bedroom, and the gardens.

We walk through the rows of plants and flowers before coming to the edge of the forest. Instantly, my wolf perks up.

"Wanna race?" His eyes glint, as he looks at me.

I smirk.

"Sure, but no one has ever beaten me." I say, and he playfully narrows his eyes at me.

"Challenge excepted" He says, and not a moment later does he shift into a giant black wolf. Way bigger than my own. But to be fair, my wolf has always been small.

It's my turn to shift next, so in a second, I'm standing on four legs instead of two.

"Can you hear me?"

Shocked, I respond.

"Uh yeah, how are you doing that? I'm not in your pack"

"The mate bond every pair of mates have one."

"Alright, so where too?" I ask him

"There's a waterfall a few miles ahead of us, whoever gets there first, wins." He says and takes off, getting a head start.

Growling, I start sprinting after the way he went and easily catch up before passing him. All he sees is a light blob passing him.

I dodge trees, and other things that get in my way before finally making it too a beautiful waterfall.

The water is crystal clear, and there are little lily pads with frogs and dragon-flies on them.

Soon after I get there, I see Braxton's huge wolf come into the clearing.

He shifts back and looks at me incredulously.

"What the hell! How can you be so fast?"

I shift back laughing, and shrug.

"I've always been fast. Your just too slow" I tease, standing up besides him.

He plaufully glares at me, when a smirk comes to his face.

Suddenly, he lifts me up bridal style and I sqeal and wrap my arms around his neck to keep from falling.

"What are you doing?" I breath, looking into his eyes.

"Oh nothing" He says, and starts walking. But I catch on.

"You better not! I swear prince or not, I'll murder you in your sleep!" I thrash, trying to get away from him.

But he laughs, and holds me tighter, before stopping at the end of the deep end of the waterfall.

"Don't even! I-" I don't get to finish before I'm thrown into the cold water, completely soaking me and my clothes. Just to tease him, I swim under the waterfall and wait.

"Uh Evie? It's not funny! Come out!" He yells after a few moments. But after a while, he jumps in, so I back up more into the rocks so he doesn't see me.


I honestly really liked writing this chapter. Sure, it's not the greatest but I still like it.

What will happen next? Will Brax get mad at Evie? Read to find out!

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