Chapter 12

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Evie's drawing/the waterfall Brax took her too--^

Evie's POV

Waking up knowing that the person your supposed to be with for forever is extremely nice. I could barely open my eyes when I woke up, I just wanted to lay there all day and bathe in his scent.

"Morning" His husky morning voice sounded in my ears. I turned to face him.

"Hi" I shyly smile, and stare into his green eyes.

He pulls me to his chest, and rests his chin on top of my head. I snuggle into his chest, earning a small growl grom him.

"What are we doing today?" I ask him, and he sighs.

"I have to take care of pack business, but after that, whatever you like." He responds, clearly not happy that he has pack work to take care of.

"Oh, okay. Can I just hang out in the library then? I wanted to go yesterday." He nods.


I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, and a white crop top, with frills at the bottom. I just put on a pair of socks and called it good.

After Brax left, I grabbed my sketchbook and headed to the library that was past the ballroom. Jees, his pack house, or more like a cstle is massave.

Passing a few pups who giggled when I said hi, I made it to the library.

I walked the rows of books until I found a table in the back with a couple chairs around it. There are only a few tables in here.

I sit down and begin sketching a waterfall surrounded by high rocks and tall trees. The waterfall that Brax took me too. It's just a sketch so it doesn't take me long to finish, so I start walking around again. To search for any book that catches my eye.

Sadly, after looking for a while, I don't find anything. And I'm hungry.

I put my sketchbook on one of the book shelves, and walk out to the kitchen. When I'm stopped by a very pretty girl with long black hair, and icey blue eyes that are lighter than my own. She growls at me.

"You. Come with me." She snarls, and grabs onto my wrist making me yelp, and drags me outside and into the garden. Weirdly, there are no guards around.

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but Braxton is MINE! And I'll be damned to let you take him away from me! Lying and saying your his mate! Pathetic! Thank god that I'm already marrying him, so you can't take him away from me!" She snarls, and narrows her eyes at me. My heart breaks. They're getting married?

Who the hell does she think she is? Milini snarls, trying to break out. I don't let her.

"So please, if you know what's good for you leave. Save yourself the pain. He doesn't want you. The only person he'll ever want is me." She says smugly, and I choke back the cry that was in my lungs.

The tears run down my face and I make a dash through the woods, shifting once I make it in.

I run to the only place I know, the waterfall. Once I get there, I shift back, and crawl behind it. Making sure no-one was following me. Then I start crying. Tears running down my face, hiccups return due to the crys.

How could I have been so stupid? Of course it was all a lie. I mean come on, she was gorgeous. Why would he give up that to be with me? I'm sure she'll make a gretlat queen. Even if it hurts me to think about it.

But what if she was lying? I don't want to loose him. Mill crys. It makes me cry all over again.

I don't want to either, but what would she gain by lying to me? I didn't even know her before just now.

Sighing, I take off my shoes and slip my feet into the cold water. What am I supposed to do now?


Braxton's POV

I finish up the pack work, and slip out of my office, excited to see my beautiful mate.

I walk back to my room oo see if she's there, but she's not. Frowning, I remember that she's in the linrary, and start to walk there when I'm stopped by the one person I never wanted to see again.

Layla. My supposed to be wife, but I rejected the offer. I didn't like her one bit. She was annoying and all she talked about was being queen.

"Brax.." She purrs, and runs her finger along my bicep.

Ace growls at the contact not being our mates.

I let out Ace's growl and take a step back, distancing myself from her. Her face holds hurt.

"Brax? What are you doing? Is its because of that slut? I already got rid of her! Now you don't have to worry about her." She chirps, and smiles at me. I let out another growl, this one deadlier.

"What?" I ask, seething. Her face pales.

"I..I got rid of the girl who claimed to be your mate. Now you don't have to worry about her. Anyways, we are supposed to be getting married! Lets discuss the details!" She says, and Ace takes over.

He grabs a hold of her neck, not very hard, and pushes her against the wall.

"What did you do?! I wated so long to find her and you ruined it for me!" He yells and she rolls her eyes.

"Put me down Ace. She wasn't worth it anyways." She shrugs, and he tightens hus grip on her neck, causing her to snap her eyes to mine.

"We are never getting married. Get that throught yout thick skull. You'll never be queen. And if my mate gets hurt any way, I'll kill you. I waited to long for her for you to get in the way. Now leave." He says dropping her and giving me conrtol back. Instantly, she runs. Leaving me and Ace alone.

I start pacing.

Where is she?

Is she hurt?

Did she leave me for good?


You like it? It was kind of sad, not gonna lie.

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